Suggested Features
Please add any suggestions for site features here. There’s no guarantee we will be able to implement your idea, but we welcome your thoughts!
84 results found
Put a clear link for feedback on the emails sent out to purchasers. It is not obvious how to do this.
I bought a few items for presents and pleased with all of them. I've been looking for some time but can't find out how to do it.
Maybe I'm the only person this dim but hopfiully not!
20 votesThere is a link to leave feedback (registered buyers only) in the notification email that is sent when the seller marks an order as posted.
Items wanted section
How about a section in the forums for 'items wanted'? If a potential customer is unable to find what they want, they could post their idea for the makers to see. It sometimes happens now, but it's spread across the forums. It would also be on-going market research for makers.
3 votesWe’ve just released a new forum and we have included a ‘Wanted’ category:
The ability to explain why you have reported an item / shop
There are a number of reasons why an item or shop would be reported. It would be beneficial to implement an opportunity for the reporter to explain why they chose to report.
For example, when someone hits the report button you could have a chat box allowing a brief explanation for the report, or drop down list so you could check an option.
176 votes -
Category Changes Feedback
In the last three months we’ve been working on a review of categories on Folksy. We’ve read your feedback, reviewed the site analytics and tested our assumptions and ideas.
We want your feedback on the proposed categories before we implement them.
Please review the blog post about the Category review: take a look at the proposed changes here: category changes are in yellow and we have included information on how the changes will affect different items.
If you have any feedback please leave it in a comment here by 21st September. Only feedback provided through Suggested…
2 votes -
Easy way to see Favourites
Is there an easier way to see items/shops you have Favourited? Currently you have to go to Dashboard>Account, then choose to see either Favourite Items or Sellers.
If there was a clear Favourites button/link on the home page showing ALL Favourited things, it would make browsing and shopping easier, quicker and more enjoyable.I actually find it easier to pin items on Pinterest (on a secret Gifts board) to see favourites at a glance, rather than use the current way...
P.S. Forgive me if I'm being dumb, it's just my first impression!
11 votesWe’ve improved favourites! You will now see a link at the top of the page that takes you to your Favourites page. From here you can see Favourite items, shops, and new items from your favourite sellers. We’ve improved favouriting itself, too – you can now favourite an item when you hover over the image in the gallery view (e.g. on the front page, in searches, etc). We are planning to introduce more improvements to favourites/activity later in the year.
Add a picture to meet the maker
Could we have the ability to add an image to our meet the maker page - perhaps a picture of our workrooms, us creating our products, craft fair display of products etc - think it would really add something to those pages.
33 votes -
Immediate payment required
I have problems where customers make a purchase but then don't make payment for it (despite contact from me).
Would it be possible that a buyer has to make payment before the sale is made? I am unsure why this is a 2 stage process on Folksy. I am thinking along the lines of eBay's 'immediate payment required' functionality.
106 votesWe have implemented this using PayPal Express checkout
Search - please incorporate the item's description as well as title into the tool so that items stand a better chance of being found.
To build an effective search tool, could the search tool prioritise contents according to:
1) Item description
2) words within the item's description
3) the category heading within with the item has been listed
4) the copy within the 'inspired by' bit
5) tags (appreciate this is a previous request but benefits inclusion here too)Thanks!
7 votesHi there
Item description (i.e. all words within the description) and category are already included.
For each item, a searchable string is created by joining together the following fields:
- seller login
- item title
- item description
- section name
- category name
- subcategory name
- colour names
- material names
- place name
If a user searches on multiple words, then only items that match all of those words are returned.
A selection of navigational tabs should appear on top of every page
At the moment, as a new user, navigation through the site is either tapping on the home text "folksy" or pressing back key.
Just like every other site, you need to allow users to get where they want easily... Take a look at John Lewis' site
2 votesThe top nav does exist on all pages except the shop page.
Empty shops
I searched "felt", absolutely dozens of shops came up In a list. I've so far reached the 23rd shop and its void of stock.
This frustrates me, the potential buyer, and takes away from the sellers who have items in their shops eager to please.
Can you filter the shops selling only with actual "felt" tagged to their item to list up?
It's a pretty straight forward string that'll make us all happy.2 votesIn stock shops are now shown as default. Out of stock shops are still accessible via an optional tab.
Could we please have a polymer clay category under the jewellery category
At the moment I am listing my polymer clay brooches under the jewellery category and then brooches.
Please could we have a polymer clay category as at the moment my items are going into the everything else category.
That can't be good, surely.2 votes -
Hi, is it possible to have some kind of data to show how many views and where views are coming from so we know which promoting is working.
Thank you391 votesLink to ‘Shop views’ now on the left hand side of your Dashboard
More Tag options
The current tags options for sellers fall into 2 categories - 1.Materials and 2.Colour. These options are very limiting and irrelevant for many sellers. Wouldn't it be better to have one Tag listing where sellers could list say 25 tags specific to their item. Then sellers could list exactly what they wanted and free up their title bars from keyword stuffing. Sellers would be happy as they will be able to target buyers and buyers would be happy as they would be able to find what they want. Makes sense as Folksy's aim is to bring buyers and sellers together…
136 votes -
The ability to re-arrange one's shop
It would be great to be able to re-arrange how one's shop appears, rather than being stuck with the order in which items are listed.
784 votesThis work has been completed and shops which have updated to the new-look shop fronts can now re-arrange their items. If you are unable to update to the new-look shop front (link at the top of your Dashboard), please contact Support.
2 votes
Thanks for your feedback. The green Help and Support button has now been replaced with a ‘Help’ link at the top of the page.
Using Characters "!/? etc in 'Message to seller'
Several of my customers have contacted me saying they can not complete their purchases and the common problem is using "?!-/ i.e non-standard characters.
Is there a way you can allow these characters? Or even add a note explaining they can not use them?
1 voteThe messaging form now allows all characters!
Spam Reporting
I have been experiencing a problem with spam messages. It would be good to have a way to report spam like one does in with emails, so Folksy could do something about it (deactivating accounts if found to be spam). At moment I can't do anything except ignore them. The messages always enquire about the items availability, excepting paypal, final asking price and requesting that I respond to a private email address.
10 votesIf you receive any spam emails via Folksy, please forward the email to so that we can investigate.
Improved product search
The ability to search within product categories and to introduce sub cats for each main product category. At present cannot find anything unless the seller has happened to use the keywords that I type into the search bar. For example I want to find soft toy crocodiles - at present I go through Dolls & Bears but once I'm there I cannot add crocodiles into a search box without it searching the entire site.
664 votesWe’ve improved search:
This will be an ongoing process, but the search results are now paginated, various improvements have been made to the search algorithm to return more relevant results, and you can refine search by section/category/sub-category and by price.
Displaying shop names correctly on listings under thumbnails
When I view my shop, or anyone's shop for that matter, why are the case of the words in shop names not displayed properly?
My shop is 'Tom Bland Photography', but for some bizarre reason it is displayed as 'Tom bland photography' under each thumbnail in my shop.
Please can this be fixed? It just doesn't look very good.
24 votes -
Clicking the 'back' button & it taking you to the exact spot where you were previously browsing.
Unsure if this is a common problem but when I am browsing a category and click on an item to view, when I click the back button to carry on browsing it takes me back to the top of the page/category again.
It would be useful to be able to be taken back to the same place on the page that you were previously looking at, especially when you are quite far through the category.403 votesWe have replaced ‘view more’ (endless scroll) with pagination on category pages. This update should have resolved this issue.
- Don't see your idea?