WE NEED A FOLKSY APP!!!For both facebook and mobile devices!
We need a folksy app for mobile devices and for our facebook pages. To keep up with other selling sites we need to have similar options for potential customers. They are not going to buy from us if there is a simpler way to go through an etsy/ebay app and find things from their phones etc It is really falling behind not having this option, these days its strange there's not an app for it! Folksy should be a bigger name within the uk than other selling sites as it is uk based and this would help toward that! Ease of use is everything for customers, i think we need the app options to provide a simple way for customers to view our products
We need to be an equal marketplace to others and this would help make that so

We have been working on an App for Folksy sellers and it’s now ready to download and use!
We’ve focused on doing the core things well (ie creating and editing listings) but will be adding more features like variations and order notifications in future releases.
You can read more about the Sell on Folksy app and download it here – https://blog.folksy.com/2021/03/18/folksy-sellers-app
This app is just for selling on Folksy but we are planning to introduce and app for shoppers too.
Tracey commented
I totally agree
Anonymous commented
As an avid FOLKSY buyer I couldn't agree more, I now buy hardly nothing on FOLKSY but buy heaps on the far less good ETSY, all because of the ease of the app. Get with the gig Folksy.
Anonymous commented
I'm really sorry I did spend my money on folksy. You should have an app AGES AGO! You can find every single website has already except you. Why?
Kirsty commented
Totally agree! I'd love an app as a seller, so I can easily edit my items too!
Julie commented
yes need to get with the times etsy have an app why not folksy makes it a lot easier
AnitaRoseDesigns commented
Anything to make the shopping experience easier will help. An app will certainly improve reach and shows Folksy as a serious shopping platform
Sue commented
Please Folksy we need the app to be more successful, it will help folksy and all of us who have shops and our customers, I am personal working hard to get the folksy shop name out there, a lot of people haven't even heard of folksy, so please APP APP APP PLEASE
featheredavenue commented
We need an app for Folksy, I don't think Folksy are doing enough to spread the appeal of their website. Etsy has an app! ebay has an app! Get on it!
Anonymous commented
100% this needs to happen. Imagine the impact of folksy trending on google play store!!
David commented
This is long overdue
Helen commented
Gets my vote, could do with both a buyers and sellers app preferably with a windows phone app too and not just the usual iPhone and android variations there is a big market there that we could and should tap into.
LilacToo2 commented
I'm just updating my website to make it mobile friendly and am surprised that Folksy is lagging behind other selling platforms -ddefinitely need an app!
helenswift1 commented
Yes, please.
Tola Laseinde commented
Most definitely Folksy needs an App to keep up with the times and the forever changing online marketplace.
Totally the way forward
Linda Connelly commented
Great idea.
Tracey Christie commented
We need to keep up with the opposition, or they will get all the sales and all your money !!
Anonymous commented
Fantastic idea - Folksy app please
Anonymous commented
Would love a folksy app, I think it would bring more customers and would make it much easier for people.
Kate Shephard commented
Yes please! You have my vote :)
Kelly commented
You have my vote.