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Folksy is broken!

For scheduled maintenance and site problems on Folksy, please check our forums and status blog:

Folksy issues and service updates:
Folksy Status:

If you are seeing a 404 error ("something's gone belly up"), this sometimes points to a corrupted file in your browser. We would advise that you clear your browser's cache in the first instance. If this does not work, please try another browser. 

If you are unable to access the site from any browser, it's likely that there is an issue with the site. Please contact us by opening a ticket or emailing and marking your query as URGENT.

If the main site is down, you can still usually access our Community pages to get your Folksy fix:


Latest updates:

18th June 2017

Folksy experienced some technical issues this morning but is now back up and running.

We're very sorry for the inconvenience.
Thanks for bearing with us.

Feedback and Knowledge Base