Search facility within listings
Hello, I have brought this up before, but it was a good while back. I really think a search facility is needed when we are managing our listings.
I currently have three pages of listings, and although archaic it is possible to use CTRL &F to try to search, but it isn't possible from a mobile.
I have closed my shop previously due to the unmanageable dashboard/clumsy workarounds, and hoped it had been resolved, especially as a decent Stats system had been recently given a facelift.
Also the option to delete/hide a listing when viewing the item would be very helpful, as we can search for items as a customer would and then delete/hide. We already have the edit function, However this does not give those options when clicked.

joysofglass commented
You can delete a listing when viewing as if you go into edit more you can change the quantity to 0 and that removes it from Active and moves it to Out of Stock . I think this only changed a few months ago.
Trudi Doherty commented
It's driving me nuts too, I have 16 pages in draft and searching is a nightmare!