All articles

  1. About the Folksy Plus plan

  2. Can I create a copy of a listing?

  3. Can I have more than one account?

  4. Can I list an item in more than one category?

  5. Can I list items from my iPhone or iPad?

  6. Can I put my shop in holiday mode?

  7. Categories and where to list your work

  8. Charity donations

  9. Choosing a shop name and username

  10. Community Policy

  11. Copyright and Trademarks

  12. Creating a banner and profile picture (avatar)

  13. Custom and personalised orders

  14. Discount Codes

  15. Do I need to use Paypal to sell on Folksy?

  16. Editing my shop details, creating collections and rearranging items

  17. Editing your Stripe direct payment settings

  18. Enabling PayPal Postage

  19. Etsy Import Service

  20. Fees Policy

  21. Folksy is broken!

  22. Folksy's Terms of Use

  23. Fraudulent Orders

  24. Gift Vouchers

  25. How can I appear in the 'Theme of the Day' on the Folksy homepage?

  26. How can I be featured on Folksy?

  27. How can I contact Folksy?

  28. How can I promote my shop to get more sales?

  29. How do I buy something on Folksy?

  30. How do I cancel my order, return an item or ask for a refund?

  31. How do I cancel or refund a customer's order?

  32. How do I contact the seller about an item or order?

  33. How do I delete my shop / account?

  34. How do I edit my listings?

  35. How do I find my Folksy shop or dashboard?

  36. How do I find out my shop address?

  37. How do I leave feedback or a review for my order?

  38. How do I list an item for sale or create a draft?

  39. How do I pay for an item?

  40. How do I register on Folksy?

  41. How do I remove or hide items from my shop?

  42. How do I renew an expired listing?

  43. How much does it cost to sell on Folksy?

  44. I can't list - listing is slow or timing out

  45. I can't pay using my iPad !

  46. I didn't receive the verification email

  47. I don't live in the UK, can I shop on Folksy?

  48. I have sold something to a friend/outside of Folksy - what should I do?

  49. I'm having problems using Folksy with Internet Explorer

  50. I'm not in the UK, can I sell on Folksy?

  51. I'm not receiving emails from Folksy

  52. I’ve got an email from Folksy saying a buyer is having problems paying. What should I do now?

  53. Introducing direct payments by credit and debit card on Folksy

  54. Legal Information: what sellers need to comply with

  55. Liability Insurance

  56. Log in problems

  57. Managing your stock level

  58. My items have disappeared

  59. My order says 'awaiting payment' but I've received payment!

  60. My Plus account is about to expire, how do I renew?

  61. Online market terms and conditions

  62. Our Privacy Policy

  63. Partnership offers for Folksy Sellers

  64. Paypal and receiving payments

  65. Photos, sizing and uploading

  66. Policy on listing items for sale

  67. Pricing and postage

  68. Product Safety

  69. Registration problems

  70. Royal Mail Click & Drop™

  71. Sales & Returns Policy

  72. Sell on Folksy app - create and edit listings on your phone or tablet

  73. Seller alert: Invalid order email received 12th July 2017

  74. Setting up a Paypal account

  75. Setting up your shop

  76. Shop by Region on Folksy

  77. Shop description, tagline and biography

  78. Shopkeeping: featured items, shop collections and rearranging your items

  79. Supported Craft Practices

  80. Suspicious emails from potential buyer

  81. Tax Guide for Folksy sellers

  82. The Hallmark Act 1973

  83. Titles and description

  84. Unable to upload banner or avatar Internet Explorer

  85. Understanding and paying your Folksy bill

  86. Using Google Analytics

  87. Using the Folksy logo

  88. VAT changes on sales to the EU from 1st July 2021

  89. VAT MOSS

  90. What can I sell on Folksy?

  91. What happens when I sell something?

  92. What happens when I send a message using Folksy?

  93. What if the buyer does not pay?

  94. What is Folksy?

  95. When will I receive my order?

  96. Where and how do Folksy advertise?

  97. Where are my Folksy inbox and messages?

  98. Why can't I purchase an item?

  99. Your Privacy Policy

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