Use crowd funding to start advertising campaign
I'm new to folksy, I have just subscribed to a plus account. I deliberated over it quite a bit because of Folksy's poor general exposure compared to some of its rivals. I get it you don't want to sell your soul to the devil, but that excuse only gets you so far. If you conduct yourself ethically then whats the problem with increased traffic, sales, exposure. I also get the catch 22, No bucks No Buck Rogers! So if the Folksy community gets it, then they won't mind if you ask them to help and use crowd funding to fuel some growth. I'm new on Etsy too and I hate it, There seems to be a lot of people who feel the same in the UK, so do it right and give them a proper viable alternative. Don't just say you are. Prove it and do it! Sorry if I annoyed anyone its not my intention, I just want to do my thing and get on.