Please add the ability to filter by location of item.
I would like to be able to get things made by artisans local to the area, not only for purposes of shipping cost/time, but also as a way to discover nearby businesses or businesses in areas I will be traveling in. Additionally, as some items are custom made, knowing that the seller is local gives the opportunity to do fittings or to see items in person.
We are currently working on making it easier to find local sellers in your area.
Andrea Yearsley commented
It would be fab as I am currently looking for interesting craft stalls for a school fair in Cardiff....this would be perfect
Jude commented
It would be a nice feature if it worked for everyone! I can not enter my location as it won't recognise "Llandudno" (town) or "Conwy" (county).
Alexis Johnston Ormolu commented
This would be such a useful feature , we are about to open a shop in Moffat which will be focusing on selling hand crafted goods , I would be very keen to source Scottish producers or makers in Cumbria perhaps as we're not too far from there.