Shop Stats
Is it possible to make the shop or item views clearer, something along the lines of Etsy?? With the current Folksy system I find it difficult to tell how many views I've had per item per day. I have set up Google analytics but do not find that particularly helpful, not very user friendly nor intuitive. Cheers.
davidstrange1033 commented
Stats have not been working for three days, 24 hours is just noughts, the 7 days, etc, is the same as the last three days. Please will you get this sorted, as we like to know how many views and which items are being looked at.
Margaret commented
Yes, I agree. I've only started up and it's stressful to wait 24 hours to see what's happening. It's very discouraging. A true real time update would be far more accurate and give you a much quicker idea of how're you're doing and if something needs to be changed. Thank you.