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Community Policy

Our community policy outlines the rules for Folksy’s social spaces. This includes our forum, the Folksy Clubhouse group on Facebook and the comments section of our social media posts (in addition to the specific platform’s own policy).

We want our social spaces to be a place where everyone feels welcome and supported. Everyone should feel they can ask for advice and share opinions without judgement or criticism.
Our social spaces are mainly a place to talk with the rest of the Folksy community. Although the Folksy Team may participate in discussions, if you have an issue that you specifically want to be answered by Folksy, please email

We don’t want to strictly moderate our community, however, without any restrictions, online discussions can easily turn negative and create an atmosphere that people want to avoid. In order to keep our community a positive place that users are proud to be a part of, we have the following rules that we ask all members to follow:

We will take action if the rules of our community policy are broken, including but not limited to:
  • Giving a polite reminder of our rules
  • Hiding posts (allowing the post to be edited to make it acceptable)
  • Deleting posts
  • Locking threads
  • Giving a formal warning
  • Temporarily suspending the user from the forum for 3 months
  • Permanently suspending the user from the forum
  • Suspending/blocking the user from all Folksy social spaces
  • In extreme cases, a seller’s Folksy account may also be suspended indefinitely
This will usually be an escalating process starting with a polite reminder, however, depending on the severity of the violation, the process may change where we deem appropriate. For example, a user could be suspended on their first offence for a clear and severe breach of our rules, or after repeated smaller violations where they have ignored previous warnings and continue to break our rules.

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