Shop by Region on Folksy
The shops are listed in the order of who has listed most recently.
Shops that are in holiday mode or are empty won’t appear.
How to get your shop included
If you would like your shop to appear in the ‘Shop by Region’ view, follow these simple steps:
- log into Folksy
- go to your Seller Dashboard
- under ‘Shop Settings’ click on ‘Shop Location‘
- check your address is right
- choose whether to show your ‘town and county’ or just your ‘town’ or ‘county’ on the ‘Show shop location’ dropdown.
- press the green ‘Update’ button
The system can take a few hours to update but your shop should then appear in the local view under the region you’ve specified.
What to do if your location is showing incorrectly
We’re still fine-tuning how the feature works and we know that there are a few cases where the postcode puts sellers in one location whereas they should be in another. This is usually because the database we are using has some out of date information, which we’re investigating and trying to fix as and when they come up.
If you feel your shop has been put in the wrong place, email us at We’ll log the error and try to correct it as soon as we can.