How do I leave feedback or a review for my order?

Good reviews and ratings are extremely important to our sellers so, if you are happy with your order, please take a moment to leave a review if you can! 

How to leave a review

As a buyer you can leave a review/rating for any order, whether or not you are registered with Folksy.

Buyers who were signed into Folksy when they placed their order can leave feedback by logging into Folksy and going to Dashboard > Activity > Reviews. Buyers with items to review will also get a notification on their dashboard when they log in to Folksy. 

You are asked to rate your experience with the seller from 1-5 stars, one star being disappointing, five stars brilliant (a text descriptor pops up when you click a star rating to help you understand what each star signifies). If you want to, you can also leave a comment and your name. We have included a link to your original order and a link to click if you have had any issues with that order, to help resolve any issues before leaving a review.

Guest buyers who don’t have a Folksy account – or those who do have an account but weren’t signed in when they placed their order – will receive an email a few days after the allotted shipping time asking them to review their items. 

I'm not happy with my order

If, for any reason, you are unhappy with your purchase please contact the seller before leaving negative feedback. They should be able to sort out any issues and/or organise a refund or a replacement for you. If you have any trouble organising a refund or replacement with your seller, please open a support ticket to let the Folksy team know, and we'll do our best to help.

Why can't I leave a review for my order?

If you purchased via 'guest checkout' (i.e. if you bought an item without registering or logging into a Folksy account), you will receive an email a few days after the allocated shipping time asking you to review your items. The link in this email will expire after 7 days of the email being sent so please contact us at if you need a new link.

Our reviews system doesn't like special characters or emojis so make sure your text doesn't include any of those, otherwise your review will fail to save.

Changing your review

Occasionally people leave the wrong feedback by mistake, or change their mind after they have left it. We will only change the feedback that someone has left with their agreement.

In the event of a mistake or resolved dispute please use the 'contact us' link or email us at to open a Support ticket and we’ll be happy to help.

Feedback and Knowledge Base