Policy on listing items for sale
Please see 'What Can I Sell on Folksy?' for details of items that can and cannot be sold on Folksy. In listing items for sale you agree to abide by all UK and other applicable laws.
Items must be for sale
Items must be available for sale. If you list an item as ‘sold’ it is very confusing for buyers. When an item sells on Folksy it will be removed from your shop automatically. If you sell an item outside of Folksy please hide or reduce the quantity of the listing to zero it if it is no longer for sale.
Listings which are not an actual item for sale (e.g. advertisements), are not allowed.
You should ship your items within 3 working days of receiving cleared payment (unless otherwise stated on your listing - you can choose a period of 24 hours, 3 days (default), 5 days, 7 days, 14 days or 21 days). You must ship your items directly to your buyer. Drop-shipping (transferring order and shipping details to a third party/manufacturer who ships directly to the customer on your behalf) is not permitted.
You must be based in the UK
You must be living and creating your work in the UK. All items must be shipped from the UK.
Links to other sites
Directing buyers to another site to complete their purchase is not allowed on Folksy. We understand that many sellers also sell elsewhere online and we do not want to discourage that, but we also don’t want Folksy listings being used to advertise or direct buyers to another online marketplace.