When will I receive my order?

Shipping times are set by the individual seller and are specified at the bottom of each listing. This is the period within which the seller will post your item. Actual delivery times may vary depending on the method of posting, carrier, etc. For further information about shipping, please contact your seller directly. 

Contacting the seller: If you are a registered user, you can use the 'contact the seller' link on the item or profile page. Registered and guest buyers can find the seller's direct email address in the 'thank you for your order' email. Remember that this email is sent from robot@folksy.com but do not reply to this email address - you will need to use the seller's email address, which you will find in the body of the email.

When your item has been posted your seller should update the shipping status of the order, and you will receive an automated email telling you it’s on its way. If you are a registered Folksy user, you can also check the shipping status in your dashboard area (Select 'Your Account' from the dropdown menu underneath your username at the top of the screen and then click on “Your purchases”).

Missing orders

If you haven’t received your item after a few days  please contact the seller (please allow longer for international orders). If you do not hear from the seller within 7 days, please contact Folksy admin via the Helpdesk and we can try to contact the seller for you.


In the rare event of a shop not delivering the goods, we recommend that you cancel the order and request a refund from the seller. If the seller is unresponsive or non-compliant, you should claim for a refund via Paypal or your bank if you paid by cars (ask them about Chargeback). 

For more information about PayPal refunds, please see the Paypal help page on Claims and disputes. Please note that disputes can only be opened within 180 days of the date of payment

Please make sure you report the seller to Folksy too, so we can take action.

How to cancel an order

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