How do I delete my shop / account?

To delete your account, please log in and go to Your shop > Dashboard (link at the top of the page) and then click on 'Delete my account' on the bottom left of the screen.

Cancelling or deleting a Plus account

If you have deleted your account before cancelling your subscription, please contact your bank and/or Folksy support at to ensure your Direct Debit has been cancelled.

I can’t delete my account because I have outstanding fees

If you are a Folksy seller you will need to pay all outstanding fees before you can close your account. Bills are only sent out when the total reaches £2.00 or more. If your fees are less than £2, you can pay them by sending a payment to our Paypal account. To do this, please log into Paypal, click on 'send money' and send any outstanding balance to Please contact Support and tell us that you have made this payment. We can then close your account and send you a confirmation email. 

If you can't figure out how to send money by Paypal, please email us and we can send you a Paypal invoice.

I have paid but can’t delete my account

Please note that sellers can't delete their own account until the 1st of the month after they have paid their last bill. This is mainly to protect any buyers who have recently placed an order by allowing time for the last order to be delivered.

If you have paid your fees and have a £0 balance but you can’t delete your account, or if your fees are under £2 please contact us via the Helpdesk and we’ll be able to do that for you.

Please note that we are not able to close a shop without deleting the entire account.

I have deleted my account by accident!

Please email immediately and we may be able to recover your account within the first few hours.

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