A channel to reply to enquiries through Folksy rather than through own email. I had an enquiry from a buyer through Folksy las week w
I had an enquiry from a buyer through Folksy las week wanting to know if I could supply an item that she thought was the perfect item in time for an anniversary gift. I replied immediately. And was surprised that someone so keen did not come back so I emailed another 2 times .....apologising in case she had changed her mind and wondering if my reply had arrived.
She replied yesterday saying that she had only just seen my reply in her spam folder........she thought I had not replied and had bought elsewhere.
One, this makes me look like I could not be bothered to reply and 2 this was a potential sale of £180 that I lost. This hurt.
Is it possible to flag up to people enquiring through Folksy that a reply will come straight from the maker and to check their spam.
What could I have done differently?
I know Etsy use 'conversations' for buyers and sellers to communicate and I have had lots of successful commissions. is this way of communicating something that Folksy could consider?

Nana commented
I'd love this too. I reply as quickly as possible too, but rarely get a response, so I fear I end up in the spam folder like above.
It would also be a lot easier to keep track of conversations and requests if they were tied to the user on Folksy.