Is there a plan to have a search function within the seller dashboard?
my shop is getting bigger and I'm struggling to find outdated tags to update or items I need to copy to create new ones (the thumbnails are too small too) so wondered if there is a plan by folksy designers to add a search function to the backend of our shops to make navigating around listings easier and quicker?
it could pick up the titles and tags only and I'd be super happy.!

Lynne Morison commented
I've also asked this question of Folksy by email but didn't get a positive reply. I was told to look in Shopkeeping which is an impossible task & takes up way too much valuable time. A search function within our dashboard really is a must.
Debbie Cummins commented
I would like a Search option on my shop's front page so customers can search for matching items.
e.g I do a bracelet, earrings and necklace all with a 'Fern' design. A simple way for customers to find these would be to type in a search box. Potential increase in sales.