Please can we have a sub section in Dolls & Collectibles called Dolls House Miniatures
The Collectors market for Dolls House Miniatures is very large with lots of people with plenty of money to spend in this area.
There are now more people listing dolls house miniatures on Folksy and as sellers we would like a specific category for them in the Dolls & Collectibles Section.

Yes, new sub-category has been added, please edit your items and change the category to add them in.
Hazel Rayfield commented
Great to see the votes adding up ..... We are chatting about all things Doll House in the folksy forum too if anyone hasn't seen the thread already :-)
Anonymous commented
Just used 3 votes.....I really like the title. dolls house miniatures....That's what I use on Google, so it should do well in searches. Will be listing some soon! already painted and waiting!....You ladies are working so hard,hope it gets going quickly! jeanie x
Anonymous commented
I used to make miniatures, and would love to start again if I had somewhere to sell them.
Anonymous commented
I'm anonymous too LOL! Sara, Dandelion's Gallery
Anonymous commented
The dolls house and miniatures scene is enormous world wide - if Folksy get know as a place where dolls house items can be bought it will bring in more new customers :)
Anonymous commented
Apparently I'm anonymous... no idea why!
Anonymous commented
added my three!
Anonymous commented
Yes please. doll's house miniatures have become very popular. There are a lot of collectors wanting hand made paintings and furnishings, so this addition would be helpful for them!
Anonymous commented
Having a Dolls House miniatures section would really help to promote our shops, no one seems to be able to find mine.
Paper, chains & beads commented
It would be great to have a dolls house miniatures section. Customers looking for dolls house miniatures would be able to search a range of miniature items.
Whimsy Woo Miniatures commented
Thank you for voting Julie and all the others who have voted as well.
Shirley x -
Julie Frearson commented
Well i have voted so lets hope it happens!