Please can the Front Page "unsigned" revert to the same interesting display as the "signed in" version
In the forum at the moment there is a thread about sales picking up
There have been strong suggestions that some shops have seen a decline in views since the Front page was split (in September ?) between the signed in (Good) and Unsigned in (Boring) versions.
I added this comment to the forum post after reading yet another remark about the front screen.
"I do agree though that the unsigned in Front Page does absolutely nothing to entice potential customers who have come in to Folksy via that route to linger or even explore further.
There has often been discussion on the differences between Folksy likes and other people's likes. Whlle I am not in any way deningrating the selections made by Folksy staff they are the selections of a limited number of (possibly quite like minded ) people and cannot be representative of the wider potential customer database. There are no pictures on the front screen or on the second levels clickable from there which are chosen by anyone other than Folksy. (eg the gift guides ).
This surely gives an entirely biased view of what is actually available in all the lovely shops on here which don't happen to appeal to Folksy but undoubtedly would to potential customers ,
The signed in screen however does show selections by other people (as well as the Folksy Likes). If something is showing as just bought then that is surely representative of what customers actually like, if they like it enough to buy it. The recently liked also show things which appeal.
So should we perhaps raise a formal request for the 'unsigned; screen to be returned to the same as the Signed screen ? There has been plenty of discussion in recent weeks but I don't think I've seen any Folksy response to the subject ?"
So please Folksy can new visitors to Folksy and as yet only potential customers be allowed to see the interesting Signed in version of the front screen and some of the wonderful things on sale here on Folksy.
While we do still have a signed in and signed out front page (usertesting suggested that new/guest buyers needed slightly different signposting on the front page), the two views are now more in line with each other and hopefully the signed out page is more interesting without being too confusing. We’re continuing to test this and will review/make changes accordingly.
Denise Milward commented
I agree. The unsigned in version just doesn't seem inviting enough. I think I speak for lots of other Forum participants that the (unsigned in) Recently listed has diminished sales. Although items I list occasionally come up on the Jewellery favourites and newly listed, I don't feel this is a reliable 15 minutes of fame. From a purely personal standpoint, I used to look forward to seeing my items "up front" and see that as a reinforcement to my making being worthwhile. That may seem a bit extreme, but I know it mattered to me.