Suggested Features
Please add any suggestions for site features here. There’s no guarantee we will be able to implement your idea, but we welcome your thoughts!
2 results found
Improve header image resize in beta shop front
Really liking the new (beta) shop front trial !
- one thing I have noticed is the shop header image doesn't resize very well when changing window size & when loaded in mobile version.
2 votesHi Simon
Thanks for your feedback – this is on the bug list to be fixed :)
- one thing I have noticed is the shop header image doesn't resize very well when changing window size & when loaded in mobile version.
Please add the ability to filter by location of item.
I would like to be able to get things made by artisans local to the area, not only for purposes of shipping cost/time, but also as a way to discover nearby businesses or businesses in areas I will be traveling in. Additionally, as some items are custom made, knowing that the seller is local gives the opportunity to do fittings or to see items in person.
15 votesWe are currently working on making it easier to find local sellers in your area.
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