Shop Noticeboard needed on every page, shop front and individual listing pages.
There is currently no facility to post a shop notice - the only options if
a. I need to say - "I'm going away in a week, please order now"
is to fiddle with my shop banner and stick a message onto there....(I do do this) ..
but... even then that is only visible to people coming in via my shop front and not on the individual listing pages.
b. "My shop is closed but only for today, I'm going to a wedding / funeral / Xmas fair / psychiatrist / dentist etc etc - and I will be open again this evening, please come back later today"
Again only option is to put it in the banner temporarily
but the chances of a potential customer spotting it on the shop front (but not the listing pages) is remote.
I therefore leaves my shop open when away for the day
I could put my shop in holiday mode for the day but the first thing my potential customer sees when trying to buy a piece they have quite possibly come to via a direct link without passing Go, my shop front on the way, is a teeny weeny little faded message
"This shop is on holiday. Please check back soon to order any items or send a message to the designer."
a message which I have good reason to doubt any customer of mine has ever seen. It is rather well disguised
All they see is that the piece is Unavailable and then they panic and email me - well some do, don't know about those who don't email me - I presume they buy something else from somebody else.
What I need and I'm pretty certain most other people need it to is :
A little noticeboard - optional, like holiday mode -
which we can switch on like holiday mode but with our own choice of text
(Bold would be good and maybe background colour)
and which appears, prominently on our shop front and at the top of all our listing pages - when it is switched on.
How lovely to be able to set up a message on 25th December to say "Merry Christmas to all my customers, I'm closed today but will be open again on the 27th"
I can only give this suggestion 3 votes but if I were able I would give it all the votes I have in my pot.
I'm going now to the forum to ask everyone to vote for it.
I've raised this now after joining in another forum discussion where someone asked about closing their shop while they did a craft fair.

Sorry for the delayed update! There is now a Shop Noticeboard (‘Your shop announcement’) feature on Folksy. If you haven’t used it yet, you can find it at the bottom of the Shop Settings section of your Dashboard. We hope you find this useful.
Joy Salt commented
Any progress. Christmas 2016 is coming round fast.
Jacqueline o jewellery commented
Great idea Joy, voted for it
Terry Chance commented
Good idea and really customer friendly. I vote yes!
dianemckechnie commented
i vote for this too
Anonymous commented
Yes, a good idea Joy!
Whimsy Woo Designs commented
Great idea Joy.
Nicky commented
Yes please, helpful to customers and to me.
Julia Blakeman commented
Yes please, an essential bit of kit for letting customers know important stuff like "last posting dates for Christmas delivery" or last date to order made-to-order goodies for Christmas etc
Kirsty commented
Yes Please!
Sandra commented
Great for letting customers know about last posting dates for Christmas too. I would love this
Carol Webb commented
Would be a brilliant idea, I would use it.
sally freckles commented
great idea - just voted :)
Jacqueline o jewellery commented
Great idea
Helen Healey commented
I think this would be an incredibly helpful feature.
Millie Moth commented
Perhaps designed like a post it note?
Millie Moth commented
I think it's a really useful idea!
Karen @MillieMoth -
Sue Mochrie commented
Votes from me, Sue @ Talulahblue
lynnrosedesigns commented
Vote from me
Anonymous commented
yes please!
Anonymous commented
That would be a great idea.