Please find some way of leaving feedback with guest log in purchases
Please find some way of leaving feedback with guest log in purchases, I have just had sales of 4 items through guest log in, and whilst the customers have let me know to my own email account that they are happy,my positive feedback score is suffering.. This problem will only get worse as I suspect most people will buy though guest now they can

Debbie Baglee commented
Won’t let me submit feedback real shame as it was excellent service and quality I received
Reuben's Woodcraft commented
First of all I would like to say that in my first month with being a seller on folksy, how great it has been so far and very much looking forward to this year with some of the positives I have found so far.
However, I have discovered an issue that seems (after some investigation) to have annoyed not just sellers on Folksy but also it's customers.
I now find this post and am alarmed even further.After making a sale I wondered how you could get feed back from a customer, (apparently this helps with some ranking) I read on the forum that customers have to be registered before any feed back can be given. Thinking that this was the issue and as a way to get round it, I contacted my customer and suggested that she should register and told her the benefits of doing so. Her reply was this
"Folksy irritates me - I am registered but it never reminds me to sign in before I buy something so then I can’t leave feedback - etsy seems much more seller friendly! "
I was surprised by this and told her that I used to be with etsy but I couldn't make it work for me for a number of reason. Yet was doing better on Folksy. I then received another response with this sentence included.
"Pleased to hear your doing well on Folksy… feedback is so important I think - I always read it and I’m sure there will be people who prefer not to buy if there isn’t any to look at. It’s also disappointing that you can’t enlarge photos , or have that zoom circle thing that enlarges."This has got me thinking that there does seem to be a serious issue in regards to customer feed back options (as in they don't exist). I came here to suggest and stress the importance of having this situation fixed. And found that this has already been raised...several times in fact.... SINCE 2012 !!!! I also see that it has been "under review" SINCE 2012! Really??? Come on guys - seriously, you must be having a laugh! 7 years this has gone unresolved... I thought brexit was taking the biscuit but not so sure now.... And yet it is your customers (sellers and buyers) who are suffering, because this is a valuable tool for aiding in selling, - Its not rocket science, more sales = more commission, Folksy is lossing valuable revenue over this. Can someone please kindly tell me who's backside we need to kick? Meant in a loving way of course.
Anonymous commented
Was so thrilled by my purchase....just wanted to give a 'thumbs up' !!!
Sarah Bell commented
Is there still no way of a member who accidentally checked out as a guest leaving feedback? :(
nina.martell commented
It's now 2014 and still no further on . This just is not fair to your sellers !
Anonymous commented
I was so excited to have my first sale on Folksy but my customer couldn't leave feedback as she was a guest!! PLEASE PLEASE sort this :)
Donna commented
Hi Kathryn,
Yes I agree, I am new to Folksy and very excited to have my first 3 orders recently only to find that so far only one of them has been able to leave feedback.
I have had emails thanking me from the other two customers, but it seems they wanted to leave feedback and were dismayed to see they couldn't.
I agree that all customers should have the ability to leave feedback - especially when it's such nice positive feedback that we are ALL missing out on?
:-) -
Kathryn commented
I have been asking customers to please leave me some feedback and I have just realised that many of them can't because they have guest log in. I don't see why the feedback of customers who are not 'registered' is not as considered important as ALL feedback gives buyers confidence. Folksy is NOT helping its sellers here, please change this.
Mark Phillips commented
I bought three items which show up in my purchase history but it seems I'm unable to leave feedback for any of them, so I'm not sure this problem is limited to unregistered users. This is a great pity because buyers should have a way to endorse the great service and beautiful products available here.
marge2.jk commented
Please review the feedback situation in the near future. I have just started to sell on Folksy, most of the buyers have been guest members and have not been able to leave feedback. Feedback is important.
Jan Ellen Johnson commented
Yes please do help us out with the feedback situation soon this was posted back nearly a year ago, under review needs to be put into action. I feel that it will give potential buyers the confidence to buy if they see that you have the equivilant amount of feedback that pertains to sales.. I have had buyers complainting to me that they cannot leave feedback when they want to.
Jan Ellen
The Turquosie Hare -
Trish Gray commented
Quote from one of my purchasers. " I would love to leave feed back on them but I can't work out how as I didn't register an account with Folksy to buy them". Personally, having only had 2 sales, I really need to be able to show this positive feedback, Guest feedback is just as important as member feedback
Anonymous commented
I would welcome a rapid change to this problem please.
alice.meacham commented
I completely agree with the other comments here - as a seller just starting out with only a few sales from 'guest' log-ins, I'm concerned that potential buyers might be put off, believing that other customers have been less that satisfied because there's no feedback given
Ali Dufty commented
I'm also finding it frustrating that 'guests' cannot leave feedback. I've had quite a few non- Folksy account holders purchase from me lately, so my sales are thankfully rising yet the feedback number doesn't equate to sales :( yet I get personal e-mails from the customer to say they are pleased with the product !
This really doesn't look too good for future potential customers ! So.......
Please Folksy admin, hurry this idea through ! -
Teresa Connolly commented
I had an email from a customer who wanted to leave feedback she said in an email that my products were not showing up on her feedback list on her account so couldn't leave any feedback. I emailed Folksy Support about this.
Dia commented
I totally agree that it's so unfortunate that guest buyers can't leave feedback for suppliers. I bought some jewellery from Burley Beads and was delighted by the product and the service but have no way of putting in positive feedback as I bought as a guest user.
Angela Townsend commented
I've had problems leaving feedback for some customers too, so perhaps the guest thing is the reason which is a great shame since I'd prefer to put something on the site really rather than just send an email.
Roberta Stewart commented
Yes, I agree
I have recently opened my shop on Folksy and taken my first 2 sales
Sales were from guest purchasers who tried to leave positive feedback but could not see any way to do that, so they contacted me direct to apologise that they couldn't leave feedback but that they were delighted with the items purchased.
So, that looks as if the have been unhappy because there is no feedback recorded against my shop
When guests make purchases it generates fees for Folksy, so can Folksy not provide a method by which guests can leave feedback - thus encouraging other purchasers who view the shop? I am sure this would be so helpful to everyone. -
Anonymous commented
i also have just received a email stating my customer cannot leave feedback , surely this will effect sales and needs to be addressed