What if the buyer does not pay?

Checkout and payment take place through PayPal.
How do buyers pay for their items?

When a buyer successfully purchases and pays for something from your shop, you will be sent an email to your registered email address.
Please make sure both your registered email address (the one you use to log in) and your PayPal email address (the one specified in your Shop Settings) are up to date and are able to receive emails. Check your PayPal account is set up properly to receive payments.

Orders are not confirmed until payment has been completed through PayPal *unless* the buyer has had issues with payment and they fill in our order form. 

Issues with PayPal

If customers are having problems checking out or paying through PayPal, there’s a link at the bottom of the basket taking them to a form where they can detail their problem. That automatically sends an email to the seller and to our support team (as well as to the customer confirming their order) letting them know a customer has bought an item but needs help paying. Please email the buyer as soon as possible. You can send them a PayPal invoice to allow them to try again, or arrange an alternative payment method. Once you have received payment, please mark the order as paid and then post as usual.

More information:
I've got an email from Folksy saying my buyer is having problems paying

Don't worry if you do not wish to offer alternative payment methods - you can simply cancel the order, but please let the buyer know why their order is being cancelled.

If the buyer wants to cancel the order or do not respond to your request for payment, then you can delete the order yourself on the ‘view order detail’ page the day after the sale. You do not need to re-list the item as cancelling the order puts the item up for sale again.

See also How do I cancel an order?

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