Suggested Features
Please add any suggestions for site features here. There’s no guarantee we will be able to implement your idea, but we welcome your thoughts!
84 results found
Clicking the 'back' button & it taking you to the exact spot where you were previously browsing.
Unsure if this is a common problem but when I am browsing a category and click on an item to view, when I click the back button to carry on browsing it takes me back to the top of the page/category again.
It would be useful to be able to be taken back to the same place on the page that you were previously looking at, especially when you are quite far through the category.403 votesWe have replaced ‘view more’ (endless scroll) with pagination on category pages. This update should have resolved this issue.
Ability to change your username
I think being able to change your username would be a great help. I set up my account with Folksy a while ago, just as a buyer initially and now I've started selling items. My username is now not what I would like my shop to be called as I didn't have this intention in the first place. I think it would be beneficial to users be able to change this, even if Folksy put a limit on the number of times it can be changed or even being able to change the end of your web address to your…
127 votesWe’re pleased to announce that we are now able to change your username (and therefore your shop URL/address) for you. This is useful if you set up with a username that doesn’t match your shop name, or if you signed up with Facebook and were assigned a username that you are not happy with.
Please note that there is no redirect in place. This means that if we change your username/URL you would need to update any links etc. that you have posted anywhere ASAP because anyone visiting the old address will be directed to a broken page and will not be able to find you. Also if you have your URL on any printed materials, business cards for example, you will need to get those replaced as the old link to your shop will no longer work.If you would like us to change your username…
Bulk relisting
I'd love the ability to relist items in bulk via some kind of tick box page. Currently when items delist I have to go through each one and approve the relisting item by item which takes hours. Having the ability to simply tick a box next to the items I want to relist and approve them all at once would be wonderful. You could still go in and edit individual listings in detail but for itemsthat don't need any editing before relisting it would be a huge time saver to be able to do them all at once.
37 votesHello,
Our recent re-design of the Manage Listings screen includes a bulk re-list feature.
If a message fails to send (forgot to enter a subject), keep the message body
Currently, if I forget to enter a message subject and click send, I get an error message and the message body is cleared. It would be a lot less frustrating if I didn't have to retype the whole message all over again.
19 votesThis was a bug that has been fixed.
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