Suggested Features
Please add any suggestions for site features here. There’s no guarantee we will be able to implement your idea, but we welcome your thoughts!
84 results found
The ability to re-arrange one's shop
It would be great to be able to re-arrange how one's shop appears, rather than being stuck with the order in which items are listed.
784 votesThis work has been completed and shops which have updated to the new-look shop fronts can now re-arrange their items. If you are unable to update to the new-look shop front (link at the top of your Dashboard), please contact Support.
Improved product search
The ability to search within product categories and to introduce sub cats for each main product category. At present cannot find anything unless the seller has happened to use the keywords that I type into the search bar. For example I want to find soft toy crocodiles - at present I go through Dolls & Bears but once I'm there I cannot add crocodiles into a search box without it searching the entire site.
664 votesWe’ve improved search:
This will be an ongoing process, but the search results are now paginated, various improvements have been made to the search algorithm to return more relevant results, and you can refine search by section/category/sub-category and by price.
Listing Variations
It would be incredibly helpful to me, especially for my clothing range, to have an option to list different sizes and prices of the same design (all in one listing). perhaps with a drop down menu for customers to select their size. For example, if I list a dress which is £28 upto 18 months but £35 for larger sizes, i have to list the item for the cheaper price to entice customers, but then risk losing them when they find out it costs more for larger sizes. Perhaps have a 'From' price to make it clearer?
478 votesYou can now list items with variations on Folksy. More info:
WE NEED A FOLKSY APP!!!For both facebook and mobile devices!
We need a folksy app for mobile devices and for our facebook pages. To keep up with other selling sites we need to have similar options for potential customers. They are not going to buy from us if there is a simpler way to go through an etsy/ebay app and find things from their phones etc It is really falling behind not having this option, these days its strange there's not an app for it! Folksy should be a bigger name within the uk than other selling sites as it is uk based and this would help toward that! Ease…
476 votesWe have been working on an App for Folksy sellers and it’s now ready to download and use!
We’ve focused on doing the core things well (ie creating and editing listings) but will be adding more features like variations and order notifications in future releases.
You can read more about the Sell on Folksy app and download it here –
This app is just for selling on Folksy but we are planning to introduce and app for shoppers too.
Discount Code Option
I think it would be great to have a discount code option which would allow us to run promotions etc throughout the year ie Xmas, Valentines etc. Think it would also be lovely to offer repeat customers a discount too. It could be a great way of promoting customer loyalty.
424 votesDiscount codes are now LIVE.
You will find a link to the Discount Codes admin page on the left hand side of your Dashboard. -
Clicking the 'back' button & it taking you to the exact spot where you were previously browsing.
Unsure if this is a common problem but when I am browsing a category and click on an item to view, when I click the back button to carry on browsing it takes me back to the top of the page/category again.
It would be useful to be able to be taken back to the same place on the page that you were previously looking at, especially when you are quite far through the category.403 votesWe have replaced ‘view more’ (endless scroll) with pagination on category pages. This update should have resolved this issue.
Hi, is it possible to have some kind of data to show how many views and where views are coming from so we know which promoting is working.
Thank you391 votesLink to ‘Shop views’ now on the left hand side of your Dashboard
Folksy Shop App for Facebook Page & smartphones?
Hi there, I was wondering if we were any closer to having a Folksy Tab on our Facebook Pages?
I was gutted when that disappeared? And have you got a APP for Iphones in the offing too?
Yours Chloe @ Hatastic!371 votesTo integrate your Facebook page and your Folksy shop, you can use our ‘data feed page’ option to create a catalogue for your Folksy shop on Facebook.
Just add .rss to your whole shop URL (eg and then follow the instructions here
That should enable you to create a catalogue from your Folksy shop that updates automatically when you add a new listing or something sells out.
You can also use our new Sell on Folksy app to create and edit listings on your phone or tablet. More details here –
The ability to explain why you have reported an item / shop
There are a number of reasons why an item or shop would be reported. It would be beneficial to implement an opportunity for the reporter to explain why they chose to report.
For example, when someone hits the report button you could have a chat box allowing a brief explanation for the report, or drop down list so you could check an option.
176 votes -
Shop Noticeboard needed on every page, shop front and individual listing pages.
There is currently no facility to post a shop notice - the only options if
a. I need to say - "I'm going away in a week, please order now"
is to fiddle with my shop banner and stick a message onto there....(I do do this) ..
but... even then that is only visible to people coming in via my shop front and not on the individual listing pages.
orb. "My shop is closed but only for today, I'm going to a wedding / funeral / Xmas fair / psychiatrist / dentist etc etc - and I will be…
157 votesSorry for the delayed update! There is now a Shop Noticeboard (‘Your shop announcement’) feature on Folksy. If you haven’t used it yet, you can find it at the bottom of the Shop Settings section of your Dashboard. We hope you find this useful.
Please find some way of leaving feedback with guest log in purchases
Please find some way of leaving feedback with guest log in purchases, I have just had sales of 4 items through guest log in, and whilst the customers have let me know to my own email account that they are happy,my positive feedback score is suffering.. This problem will only get worse as I suspect most people will buy though guest now they can
147 votes -
More Tag options
The current tags options for sellers fall into 2 categories - 1.Materials and 2.Colour. These options are very limiting and irrelevant for many sellers. Wouldn't it be better to have one Tag listing where sellers could list say 25 tags specific to their item. Then sellers could list exactly what they wanted and free up their title bars from keyword stuffing. Sellers would be happy as they will be able to target buyers and buyers would be happy as they would be able to find what they want. Makes sense as Folksy's aim is to bring buyers and sellers together…
136 votes -
Ability to change your username
I think being able to change your username would be a great help. I set up my account with Folksy a while ago, just as a buyer initially and now I've started selling items. My username is now not what I would like my shop to be called as I didn't have this intention in the first place. I think it would be beneficial to users be able to change this, even if Folksy put a limit on the number of times it can be changed or even being able to change the end of your web address to your…
127 votesWe’re pleased to announce that we are now able to change your username (and therefore your shop URL/address) for you. This is useful if you set up with a username that doesn’t match your shop name, or if you signed up with Facebook and were assigned a username that you are not happy with.
Please note that there is no redirect in place. This means that if we change your username/URL you would need to update any links etc. that you have posted anywhere ASAP because anyone visiting the old address will be directed to a broken page and will not be able to find you. Also if you have your URL on any printed materials, business cards for example, you will need to get those replaced as the old link to your shop will no longer work.If you would like us to change your username…
Feedback left v Feedback %
Currently feedback is shown as the amount of feedback and a percentage. When the amount of feedback doesn't match the amount of sales, it does rather suggest that people weren't happy but declined to leave negative or neutral feedback.
So I suggest that the box should show Items Sold and feedback % only. Eg:
Items sold: 100
Feedback: 100% positive
Though still make it clickable so people can go and see what feedback has been left.121 votes -
Immediate payment required
I have problems where customers make a purchase but then don't make payment for it (despite contact from me).
Would it be possible that a buyer has to make payment before the sale is made? I am unsure why this is a 2 stage process on Folksy. I am thinking along the lines of eBay's 'immediate payment required' functionality.
106 votesWe have implemented this using PayPal Express checkout
Please can the Front Page "unsigned" revert to the same interesting display as the "signed in" version
In the forum at the moment there is a thread about sales picking up
There have been strong suggestions that some shops have seen a decline in views since the Front page was split (in September ?) between the signed in (Good) and Unsigned in (Boring) versions.
I added this comment to the forum post after reading yet another remark about the front screen.
"I do agree though that the unsigned in Front Page does absolutely nothing to entice potential customers who have come in to Folksy via that route to linger or even explore further.
There has…
100 votesWhile we do still have a signed in and signed out front page (usertesting suggested that new/guest buyers needed slightly different signposting on the front page), the two views are now more in line with each other and hopefully the signed out page is more interesting without being too confusing. We’re continuing to test this and will review/make changes accordingly.
Please can we have shipping profiles?
The Royal Mail has now changed the way world wide postage is calculated and charges according to the 'zone' the recipient lives in.
Europe (EU & Non EU)
World Zone 1 - The Americas, The African continant, Asia, etc
World Zone 2 - Australia, New Zealand, etcPlease, please, please can we have shipping profiles we can set up with the 'zones' included so it's easier to set up in our shops.
99 votes -
Have an easy way to embed your Folksy shop in another website
I'm not sure if this option exists. I've seen on Etsy that they do a mini-widget thing that will display a few of your listed items on your blog/website. I will soon be creating a website for a new venture selling craft items, which i would also like to list on Folksy to increase product views. What would be really good would be to simply list everything on Folksy once, and for this information to automatically be updated on my website. And for it to look like a proper shop rather than just a little widget like the Etsy option.…
86 votesWe have created a widget for use on websites/blogs. You will find a ‘widgets’ link on the left hand side of your dashboard. You can select from a number of different sizes and it works with most blogs except, where iframes are specifically disallowed. More info on the blog:
Crowdfunding some apps
As we've all been told over and over folksy can't afford to fund the making of apps for smartphones, so why don't we crowdfund (is that a word?) them instead. Most of us know just how important apps are for sellers and shoppers, so we should put our money where our mouth is and chip in part of the cost.
I'm not saying we should pay for it all but maybe if we could come up with part of the money Folksy could come up with the rest??
This really is something we need to get the folksy brand out…86 votesWe have been working on an App for Folksy sellers and it’s now ready to download and use!
We’ve focused on doing the core things well (ie creating and editing listings) but will be adding more features like variations and order notifications in future releases.
You can read more about the Sell on Folksy app and download it here –
This app is just for selling on Folksy but we are planning to introduce and app for shoppers too.
The ability to cancel an order immediately instead of waiting 24 hours
Having had 3 non paying buyers in little more than a week I find the most annoying thing is having to wait 24 hours to cancel the order. In my experience if a customer intends to pay for an item they either will straight away or they will email to say they're having difficulties, if neither happens then usually the customer has either bought the item by accident and had no intention of purchasing or they've simply changed their mind after committing to buy.
I'm not one for sending chasing emails to customers to goad them into paying for something…
65 votesSellers can now cancel unpaid orders immediately. We still recommend contacting the buyer first, unless the order has clearly been made in error.
- Don't see your idea?