Improved product search
The ability to search within product categories and to introduce sub cats for each main product category. At present cannot find anything unless the seller has happened to use the keywords that I type into the search bar. For example I want to find soft toy crocodiles - at present I go through Dolls & Bears but once I'm there I cannot add crocodiles into a search box without it searching the entire site.

We’ve improved search:
This will be an ongoing process, but the search results are now paginated, various improvements have been made to the search algorithm to return more relevant results, and you can refine search by section/category/sub-category and by price.
Debbie commented
Hello Folksy,
I have titled my items as retro cards, and included the same words as a lead onto the description, but when I search Folksy for retro cards my items do not appear?
What am I doing wrong?
please advise,
Debbie -
Alexis Johnston Ormolu commented
Please , please ,please implement a general search by British region on Folksy.
Having recently opened an arts and crafts shop in Moffat, Scotland , our aim is to source talented makers in Scotland and Northern England who may wish to sell their work in our shop. We're interested in all categories on Folksy but to trawl through to find local work would be too time consuming. Thanks, Alexis Johnston. -
Bobby commented
Brilliant to see progress - any chance of a 'search this shop' feature please? This would be so helpful to seller with lots of items for sale - people often don't want to trawl through to find what they want. Thanks Folksy peeps! ♥
Lesley Spencer commented
Could Folksy please give us an update on this very important subject, that sellers keep asking for? Has it been given the go ahead and what is the time scale for completion?
cnd commented
Yes yes yes. I want to search inside a category, such as jewellery, by key word... similar to eBay.
I know I will be missing things by getting bored of searching.
I wanted to search for 'leaf' jeweler as a friend loves natural images but am not going to search through thousands of items.
Under review TWO YEARS. What are you doing with your time? -
J Allen commented
Just tried looking for a specific item made in wood. Utter rubbish search engine. about 14,000 items came up - including tea light holders - can't imagine why anyone would sell through this site! I shan't bother trying it again. What an utter waste of time and people's hard work.
sandnotoil commented
As a new person to Folksy I decided to have a look around. I decided to look for the flowers that a friend has on here. I tried so many different search terms that the normal person who didn't know the actual products would try such as flowers, flower bouquets, handmade flowers and still didn't find them, but lots of stuff that really had nothing to do with flowers came up.
You really need to be able to refine your search terms. As a potential customer looking through 1016 listings, of which many aren't even what you are actually searching for, is immensely frustrating. For me to seriously use you as a selling platform this must get better.
bloomingdelightjewellery commented
Two years on...what is happening??? It's got to be sheer luck that I sell anything!
Dittany commented
As a buyer I find the search dreadful. The items at the end of the very long list usually have nothing at all to do with any of my search terms.
Maria Smith commented
Agreed, Sorry Folksy but the search tool is appalling. It is almost impossible to find anything you want among the endless list of items that come with the search word, it need to be more specific - eg if I put "Mens beard care" I am getting anything with these three words (eg. knitted beards?!) and not the search I have asked for. It seems to be running on a "And/Or" term and the searcher cannot change this to a "specific" search.
Also I would like to add that you should be able to add a search term within the chosen topic from the drop down category above...If i look under a certain option (eg Homeware, Bath and beauty, Bath) I do like that I can slim the options with the choice of colour, material or price range but I still end up with 100+ results which I cannot afford to be looking through for the item that I want.
It is such a shame as there are so many talented and fantastic buyer on here but I cannot buy their items due to not being able to find them!
Maybe take a note from Etsy's book with a near perfect website.
beccy ridsdel commented
I agree, the search is useless - I get a lot of things I don't want and it is really frustrating to not be able to search within categories. If we want to compete with Etsy, we need people to be able to find our products easily and not have to trawl through a lot of irrelevant things to find them.
Linn Langeland commented
I just did the same search on etsy and exactly what I wanted popped up. Fail Folksy, I'm sorry to say
Linn Langeland commented
Fully agree with previous comments - hopeless to find anything. Multiple matches of the same items, and lots of completely irrelevant items. I've just given up on my last search for a nursery tree wall sticker - you would've thought that would be fairly specific.
Add better search facilities NOW, not in the future, or you'll lose a tonne of customers! -
Anonymous commented
I know there is stuff I will buy on Folksy but often give up searching. If I am looking for buttons then it would be nice to search just buttons and narrow down what I am trying to find.
Dawn Rand commented
Using the scarves filter system there is no section for velvet. Tweed or to filter further to men's or women's . The sections need refining further before I'll use this site please . You surely must be losing both buyers and sellers due to poor search engine
Dawn Rand commented
Unlike etsy extremely hard to navigate type in scarves and cannot filter would use recommend and sell here if could be improved please
farahb commented
I agree with everyone's points here. Please add an 'advanced search' functionality so searches can be refined. I too would prefer to buy UK products from Folksy, but has it always comes back with 1000s of hits that are imposible to further refine down, I am turning to alternative (international) sources :(
Miriam commented
I'm having the same problem. I am searching for butterfly cushions but seem to just be getting anything with a butterfly on it
Anonymous commented
Please please please do this! Not only can I not search within a category, the search function seems to run on OR not AND - so if I search on fabric doll for example, it brings back MORE results than just searching in doll and lots of them are just fabric supplies. I'd love to use this site but as it is I'm heading back to pay international shipping for items listed on etsy :-(
Anonymous commented
I can't find anything on here anymore, the new search facility is hopeless. It used to be great. Back to eBay I'm afraid