Discount Code Option
I think it would be great to have a discount code option which would allow us to run promotions etc throughout the year ie Xmas, Valentines etc. Think it would also be lovely to offer repeat customers a discount too. It could be a great way of promoting customer loyalty.

Discount codes are now LIVE.
You will find a link to the Discount Codes admin page on the left hand side of your Dashboard.
lisa commented
Excellent! :o) Very happy to see this!
Leslie commented
Great job, Folksy - it shows you are listening. Thank you
celie byrne commented
great stuff!
[Deleted User] commented
Thank you! Great to have this feature to help with our promotions
beccy commented
I'd love it. Then I can give my craft fair customers discounts to encourage them to shop online too!
celie byrne commented
think it will be before THIS christmas? got discount option on etsy store and can't seem to close down folksy until this is resolved as there is no option (that i can see) to pay a bill BEFORE bill due date. doesn't feel right as a seller to offer on one shop and not the other....noticed other sellers are on etsy too. you guys feel the same?
Hatastic commented
Wow! Exciting! x
Jane Cameron commented
Ooh this is so exciting! Hope it comes online soon!
paulatasker121 commented
This would be great, I have been wanting this for a long time, any update yet Folksy?
celie byrne commented
you asked this question over a year ago? give us the option....please
Anonymous commented
When I sell something in my Etsy shop, I enclose a little card. It offers a discount as a special "Thank you" to returning customers for their loyalty - just enter the code at checkout.
When I sell something in my Folksy shop - I can't.
Allie Scott commented
Come on Folksy, answer our question, where are the discount codes...after all are we not the reason you have a business in the first place. Alot of people would like this facility, the least you could do is to answer our enquiry.
Theresa Hing commented
Has anything happened since UNDER REVIEW dated Aug 4?
Leslie commented
I agree! Bring on the discount codes, please
Sonia commented
I was just about to ask where to find how to add a discount code. I want to offer free p&p to customers who have bought from me to say thank you, and to hopefully encourage them to choose my shop again.
Marlou McAlees commented
I think this is a great idea too, especially for repeat customers.
Jane commented
I have started selling on etsy just to give discounts. I was checking today to see if this had changed. Wanted to give a Yorkshire day discount.
Sarah commented
I think discount codes are a great idea. I'm just setting up my new Folksy shop, and must admit assumed that this feature would already be in place. Was hoping to launch the shop by giving my those who have supported me a discount code. Would be very interested to hear when this feature will be available. Folksy - please advise.
Anonymous commented
Despite their research I think Folksy is missing the point of discount coupons in that we wish to use them as a way of targeting sales to a specific group of potential buyers e.g. students. The "Sales" feature does not address this simple requirement. This is a very basic feature found on many eCommerce sites. Why is it taking so long for Folksy to catch up with their competitors such as Etsy?
helen bee commented
Quite agree - discount codes or sale areas of the shop would be a huge plus!