Can dates be added to Holiday mode
Please can you make it possible for Shop owners to put up the dates of when their shop will be closed and then re open ?
Preferably underneath the shop banner in large and bold lettering for customers.

Lizzie commented
It would also be very nice to give a potential customer the option to have an e-mail from Folksy, when the shop comes out of Holiday Mode - ie. when the seller "Returns". Etsy offers this and I've used it (when wearing my "Customer" hat) - it works well.
Bobby commented
Goes without saying really - another obvious feature missing from Folksy! Along with the ability to re-arrange one's shop and a 'search this shop' feature. Unbelievable that these things aren't available already! ♥
Sue Mellem commented
I would find this a very useful feature - I usually put my shop in holiday mode when I'm doing a craft fair, to avoid 'double selling' of OOAK items, and try to squeeze a line onto my shop description, but would find it much better to be able to add date and TIME of re- opening