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  1. 21 votes
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    Lizzie commented  · 

    This sounds like a programming error/bug, not a deliberately designed "feature"! Do we have a way to report Bugs?

  2. 51 votes
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    Lizzie commented  · 

    It would also be very nice to give a potential customer the option to have an e-mail from Folksy, when the shop comes out of Holiday Mode - ie. when the seller "Returns". Etsy offers this and I've used it (when wearing my "Customer" hat) - it works well.

  3. 102 votes
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    Lizzie supported this idea  · 
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    Lizzie commented  · 

    I agree that it's tricky, having to juggle items around so they don't appear as the "Collection Image" for more than one collection. A solution to this would be much appreciated.

    I do like the new shop-front overall though. Not sure about the rainbow-scallop decor - I'd rather choose my own or have just a straight line; not sure if jolly-circus-rainbow-bunting really fits with my own shop image. However, this is only a small thing and I'm grateful for all the hard work and careful thought that has obviously gone into the new shop-front layout. THANK YOU!

  4. 28 votes
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    Lizzie supported this idea  · 
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    Lizzie commented  · 

    I already flagged this some while ago, but so far there has been no action or improvement. It is ridiculous to flag up items as "Expiring / Expired", which are Sold, Hidden or in Draft mode.
    For a seller who has a lot of stock - especially similar items - this must be a real nightmare. I should imagine that those sellers have to just ignore the messages, as they are so misleading.
    The current Expiring Listings Emails are really very unhelpful and potentially damaging to our businesses, as they mislead sellers.
    PLEASE FOLKSY, would you fix this problem!

  5. 121 votes
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    Lizzie commented  · 

    This is obviously stirring up strong feelings - both "for" and "against" limits on re-listing etc.
    I agree with the commenter who was upset at the idea of a limit of 20 re-listings per Day... for a larger business, this would be quite limiting - especially given that there is currently no other way to re-arrange your shop.
    However, I still think we need to limit the number of re-listings that can be made within a certain period. Yes, we need to remove the "re-list all" one-click tick box. That would be a good step. But it is not right or fair, for one or two shops to completely fill the first three, four, five screens/pages of listings with their own shop's items, then do the same again a short while later. Yes, they are "paid up Pro sellers" (so am I); but Folksy is a Community and it goes very much against that Community Spirit, to take more than a fair share.
    It's telling that there are comments from Buyers about how difficult they feel it is to shop, when they look at "Recently Listed" and see only one or two shops' listings in the first few pages of results. If buyers are put off by this then, by continually re-listing large blocks of items, sellers are having a directly negative impact on Everyone's Businesses, including their own.
    We need a sensible, fair control system. It shouldn't punish those with larger stocks, but it should allow some space for sellers who have less items in their shops - either because they are "small sellers" or because their items take a great deal more time, effort and/or cost to produce. We are all trying to run our businesses. Size & quantity is not everything and shouldn't be allowed to dominate in the way it currently does.

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    Lizzie commented  · 

    I do agree that it would be more fair to have a limit, so that sellers (any seller) could only re-list a maximum of "x" number of items within a particular time period (say, 10 per hour, or 20 per day etc).
    It does seem that I often have to wade through dozens of items from one seller, if I look at "Recently Listed" or search results on a theme.
    That must be off-putting for shoppers and it does not seem very fair either, to other sellers, for one person - or several people - to hog the "listing limelight".
    Yes, I think there should be a sensible limit per hour and/or per day.
    New items should not be restricted, so long as the seller is not adding large blocks of items to their Draft listings, then using "Re-list" to add them all to the shop at once (as it would have the same effect as a mass re-list of existing listings). Listings of new items should be limited to a certain number within a certain time period, to prevent mass-listing unfairness.

    I accept that many Pro-sellers are here to run a business and make a living - but many smaller sellers are trying to grow their businesses too. It is unfair for Pro-sellers to hog all the space and push out the smaller sellers - I think it goes very much against the spirit of a marketplace like Folksy.

    Lizzie supported this idea  · 
  6. 6 votes
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  7. 50 votes
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    Lizzie commented  · 

    You could ask them to message you, then set up a special listing, with zero-priced postage?

  8. 1 vote
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