Sold items on expired listings list!
Some of my listing have started to expire, whilst browsing my expired items to decide which to relist, I noticed that my sold items were also coming up on my expired list. This caused some confusion - in fact I relisted an item that had already sold!
The only way I could prevent them from ending up on my expired list and causing confusion between what I had available to relist, and what had already sold. was to delete my sold items. Now my 'view sold item' link on my shop shows no items at all.
Surely the sold items should remain on the out of stock list only if there are no more available!? To put them as expired as well, is just confusing.
I have lots of items on my shop, it's impossible to remember which have sold and which haven't. I am now having to delete sold items, to make it possible to quickly re-list expired items without risk of re-listing an expired item.
This seems a very confusing way of carrying on to me. I have no ability to re-arrange my shop. no 'search this shop' function and now even my expired items are causing me confusion a some of them are out of stock. This site has some really basic and fundamental functions missing, I would be so grateful if these could be addressed. No wonder people are heading over to other sites to sell their designs, Folksy is just hard work.
I am determined to stick with it, as it's a UK site and I feel, just three or four basic tweaks could make so much difference to the selling experience. A 'search this shop' function would definitely improve sales!
Finger crossed for some of these points to be addressed quickly
Thanks ♥

sewell.svetlana commented
Agreed, it is very confusing and time consuming plus you can accidently re-list items they you do not have them in stock.
sewell.svetlana commented
We are in 2021 and still no change here, just re-listed all my sold items again, can't change stock to 0 and lost all history on sold items. Dear Folksy, please do not re-list sold items as it is not possible to change stock to 0.
kim commented
I absolutely hate that everything eventually ends up in the expired folder, the only listings that should automatically move there are active listings as they expire, everything else should stay in the out of stock/hidden/draft folders unless you do something that changes their status.
Like you, I just realised I'd accidentally relisted an item from the expired folder that I'd already sold, although mine had sold elsewhere so I'd hidden it (I don't like to delete as this way any old social media links still go to the item with "currently unavailable"... but the idea of deleting an item sold on Folksy is much worse if it gets rid of sales history).
We shouldn't have to delete items (destroying any reviews, the sold items section and links), just to make it clear which items are truly expired, but currently if we don't do that we risk accidentally relisting and selling items that have already been sold and removed from out shops... which is not going to lead to happy customers if they buy items only to be told "oops I don't have that". -
Anonymous commented
It's now the end of 2016, and this still hasn't been changed and is still really frustrating. Something that's sold clearly shouldn't expire.
Fran commented
I find this really confusing, too. Please make a place that sold items can sit without cluttering up the active parts of our dashboards.
Rosalind commented
Totally agree it isn't quite so bad with plus sellers as I try and make sure I relist before something expires but it is still annoying and confusing. I have deleted things in the past to get them off the expired list but then as you say all there history is deleted.
Lizzie commented
I already flagged this some while ago, but so far there has been no action or improvement. It is ridiculous to flag up items as "Expiring / Expired", which are Sold, Hidden or in Draft mode.
For a seller who has a lot of stock - especially similar items - this must be a real nightmare. I should imagine that those sellers have to just ignore the messages, as they are so misleading.
The current Expiring Listings Emails are really very unhelpful and potentially damaging to our businesses, as they mislead sellers.
PLEASE FOLKSY, would you fix this problem! -
Deborah O'Hare commented
Totally agree! If you try and delete them you are advised against it because they are linked to a URL of what you have sold, I think.