Suggested Features
Please add any suggestions for site features here. There’s no guarantee we will be able to implement your idea, but we welcome your thoughts!
84 results found
being able to attach images in messages
When customers have messaged you and are interested in commissioning a piece from you, it would be great if you could be able to attach a photo or image of your proposed design in your message, so it keeps you and your customer in Folksy and not have get them to give you their email address.
Thank you3 votesWe’ve replaced messaging with an email form and so you should now be able to attach images to your emails once you have started corresponding with a buyer.
More information about messaging changes: -
Can we have a 'view your posts' feature on the forum please.
As above really, most forums have this and I find it useful to keep track of my posts.
15 votesWe’ve released a new forum which has lots of features to allow you to track your activity:
Featured Items
Something I like about Etsy is that you can select a number of 'featured' items, which will appear at the top of the page and will be the first items your customer is greeted with when visiting your shop. I think this would be a great idea for Folksy, as currently I have no way of arranging the order of my listings unless I delete them and relist them in the preferred order - which would take a while!
5 votesFeatured items are now available for Plus sellers. You will need a Plus account and update to the ‘new look’ shopfronts to enable this
Good news! We’re making your shop better. This work will be released over the next few weeks and will include bring able to feature items (Plus accounts only). The latest seller email contains more information:
We’ll be updating you on the shop work in a separate email soon and also talking about the work on the Folksy blog.
Listing Variations
It would be incredibly helpful to me, especially for my clothing range, to have an option to list different sizes and prices of the same design (all in one listing). perhaps with a drop down menu for customers to select their size. For example, if I list a dress which is £28 upto 18 months but £35 for larger sizes, i have to list the item for the cheaper price to entice customers, but then risk losing them when they find out it costs more for larger sizes. Perhaps have a 'From' price to make it clearer?
478 votesYou can now list items with variations on Folksy. More info:
Please could you put the number of new messages in brackets next to the 'Hello' and my username?
I'd like to see the number of new messages in brackets next to the 'Hello' and my username. Is this possible?
Thank you x3 votesWe’ve replaced messaging with an email form and so messages now go directly to your email address.
More information about messaging changes: -
Past monthly billing information
Under Your Folksy Bill, please can the historic paid bills be ordered so that the most recent bill is at the top of the list, and the earliest bill is at the bottom? At the moment, the order is from earliest to most recent, which means having to scroll right down to the bottom of the page to see your most recent bills. Thanks.
4 votesBills are now displayed to show most recent first.
Sell a similar item template, as per ebay???
Hi there, am a total newbie so maybe this is possible but couldn't see a way of making a template or selling a similar item to save having to type everything out everytime for a listing when items are of the same type???
Lorraine6 votesHi there
You can’t create a similar listing to another seller’s item on Folksy but you can copy your own listing once you have created one. To do this, go to Dashboard > Listings and then click on ‘copy’ alongside the listing you want to copy.
Photo's turning Side Ways - BUG - Sort it. It's not the uploader, it's the website!
Hi. could some one please sort this bug. My images are taken with a normal camera. I remember i had this issue 2 months back and stopped using folksy. So I've worked out the bug for you so please fix it as it's wasting not just my time others.
Right, from what i gather it's due to the pixels, especially if you have long photos for example px w300 and hight 1000px
It will turn the photo side ways!
So to correct this, crop the photo until you get a more or less even square size at - 500px x…
10 votes -
Concerned about how many " bought in " items seem to be listed
I'm new to Folksy but have been a designer maker of silver gold and gem set jewellery for over 25 years. Whilst I know jewellers get castings of their own designs made and then finish them there seems to be loads of things of Folksy that are not in anyway handmade or hand finished.....Who is policing what is and isn't posted?
If I make a handmade item from start to finish I cannot compete with an item that is bought in. I understood when I signed up to Folksy it was for promoting good quality British made crafts? Does anyone…6 votesThis page outlines the criteria for what is allowed to be listed on Folksy and also some specific examples of what is not allowed. This content constitutes our policy on “handmade” as referred to in the Terms of Use:
Folksy polices the policy on handmade through post-moderation – through sampling products and reviewing items that are reported.
If you spot anything that you believe is bought-in, please use the ‘report this item’ link on the item page.
It needs to be clear that you cannot leave feedback if you are only buying as a guest.
As a buyer of items from Sweet Bee Quilts, I was taken to the payment page and it wasn't clear I needed to make an account if I then wanted to give feedback. I now can't give feedback as i was classed as just a 'guest buyer'. Please can we still leave feedback if we are still guests?
21 votesWe’ve updated our Reviews system so guest buyers can now leave feedback. You can read more about the changes we’ve made here -
The ability to cancel an order immediately instead of waiting 24 hours
Having had 3 non paying buyers in little more than a week I find the most annoying thing is having to wait 24 hours to cancel the order. In my experience if a customer intends to pay for an item they either will straight away or they will email to say they're having difficulties, if neither happens then usually the customer has either bought the item by accident and had no intention of purchasing or they've simply changed their mind after committing to buy.
I'm not one for sending chasing emails to customers to goad them into paying for something…
65 votesSellers can now cancel unpaid orders immediately. We still recommend contacting the buyer first, unless the order has clearly been made in error.
Items wanted section
How about a section in the forums for 'items wanted'? If a potential customer is unable to find what they want, they could post their idea for the makers to see. It sometimes happens now, but it's spread across the forums. It would also be on-going market research for makers.
3 votesWe’ve just released a new forum and we have included a ‘Wanted’ category:
As sellers do we have to show publicly the number of items we have sold (or not?!)
I don't like this feature, particularly as I'm new to Folksy and haven't sold anything yet :/. I would rather the public not know how many items I've sold, is there a way of keeping this information private, is the number of items sold really relevant to buyers anyway?
28 votesTo help new sellers, the number of items a shop has sold is now not visible on shops that have fewer than 50 sales.
Put a clear link for feedback on the emails sent out to purchasers. It is not obvious how to do this.
I bought a few items for presents and pleased with all of them. I've been looking for some time but can't find out how to do it.
Maybe I'm the only person this dim but hopfiully not!
20 votesThere is a link to leave feedback (registered buyers only) in the notification email that is sent when the seller marks an order as posted.
View feedback with a picture of what was sold, rather than just the feedback itself.
I was wondering why feedback doesn't also show you a picture of the sold item that the feedback is about. There is an option to view but that is just a function to be able to see the whole sentence of the feedback. I feel that as sellers we are missing out on a major marketing tool. I think that most sellers/crafters would like the option to show a picture of their sold items as they are proud of their work. We also have a duty to let our potential customers know what's selling right now and what is on…
18 votesWe’ve updated our Reviews system so that images are now shown alongside the customer’s feedback. You can read more about the changes we’ve made here -
A selection of navigational tabs should appear on top of every page
At the moment, as a new user, navigation through the site is either tapping on the home text "folksy" or pressing back key.
Just like every other site, you need to allow users to get where they want easily... Take a look at John Lewis' site
2 votesThe top nav does exist on all pages except the shop page.
Empty shops
I searched "felt", absolutely dozens of shops came up In a list. I've so far reached the 23rd shop and its void of stock.
This frustrates me, the potential buyer, and takes away from the sellers who have items in their shops eager to please.
Can you filter the shops selling only with actual "felt" tagged to their item to list up?
It's a pretty straight forward string that'll make us all happy.2 votesIn stock shops are now shown as default. Out of stock shops are still accessible via an optional tab.
Easy way to see Favourites
Is there an easier way to see items/shops you have Favourited? Currently you have to go to Dashboard>Account, then choose to see either Favourite Items or Sellers.
If there was a clear Favourites button/link on the home page showing ALL Favourited things, it would make browsing and shopping easier, quicker and more enjoyable.I actually find it easier to pin items on Pinterest (on a secret Gifts board) to see favourites at a glance, rather than use the current way...
P.S. Forgive me if I'm being dumb, it's just my first impression!
11 votesWe’ve improved favourites! You will now see a link at the top of the page that takes you to your Favourites page. From here you can see Favourite items, shops, and new items from your favourite sellers. We’ve improved favouriting itself, too – you can now favourite an item when you hover over the image in the gallery view (e.g. on the front page, in searches, etc). We are planning to introduce more improvements to favourites/activity later in the year.
When we receive a message, we need to see the item being reffered to.
I find it very frustrating when receiving messages, that I cannot see the "exact" item being referred to. Also, I would like to be able to see the message as I write my reply, so I can see the senders name and any requests while I compile a reply. It would also be useful to be able to send a link to my shop items in messages and to show photographs. This would also keep the prospective buyer inside Folksy, otherwise I have to ask for them to email me, so I can show photos and links, Sue
62 votes -
Search - please incorporate the item's description as well as title into the tool so that items stand a better chance of being found.
To build an effective search tool, could the search tool prioritise contents according to:
1) Item description
2) words within the item's description
3) the category heading within with the item has been listed
4) the copy within the 'inspired by' bit
5) tags (appreciate this is a previous request but benefits inclusion here too)Thanks!
7 votesHi there
Item description (i.e. all words within the description) and category are already included.
For each item, a searchable string is created by joining together the following fields:
- seller login
- item title
- item description
- section name
- category name
- subcategory name
- colour names
- material names
- place name
If a user searches on multiple words, then only items that match all of those words are returned.
- Don't see your idea?