Suggested Features
Please add any suggestions for site features here. There’s no guarantee we will be able to implement your idea, but we welcome your thoughts!
238 results found
Only having messages via email is about as stupid as it gets. And highly inconvenient!
1 vote -
Fixed postage costs for postal region no matter how much or how little someone buys in your entire store.
Items less than 2kg are all the same price for shipping to the U.K. mainland with Royal Mail. So therefore, people should be able to order what they want from the entire store and just pay the fixed price posting of 2.99 for everything. Would be great if I could apply a different fixed price posting for everything for Europe, etc.
6 votes -
list new items first not last
Why are new listings added to the end of my shops items? Surely it makes sense for new items to appear first, not last. I know I can change this in my dashboard but with over 700 items it takes forever to load up everytime I add a new item, and my ipad can't even manage it! It crashes! Please list new items first NOT last
11 votes -
HIde or Delete item from item page rather than dashboard listings
Please can we have an option to hide or delete an item from the item page rather than having to go to the dashboard listings. If a shop has several pages of items it can be hard to find the item you want to hide or delete from the dashboard.
55 votes -
Adjustable thumbnail images
It's not always possible to crop an image to be square. So it would be great if you could allow us to move/resize the thumbnail, so that if the item is not exactly in the centre of your image or it's not possible to make the image square, you can adjust the thumbnail so that it doesn't look badly cropped and messy.
Currently I'm having to constantly re-crop my image to try and make sure the thumbnail is centered which is very fiddly. Shop images don't need to be square so seems weird the thumbnail is a forced, un-customisable crop…17 votes -
Can we be allowed to sell places in craft classes and retreats
As many of us are long term crafters, people may want to learn from us, could we sell places on our craft courses or retreats
2 votes -
Making more of commissions being non-returnable
I've recently had a nasty experience with commissions being returned as unsuitable. I've been with Folksy over 4 years and done several commissions and never had them returned and in my trusting way, I changed what I'd made and ended up refunding the buyer. I wasn't aware of the no return clause, having not needed it,but this has ended up costing me two lots of postage,though the items are now relisted, plus the time to make.
I'd like the no return of commissions to be emphasised more,because my only commissions have just been from the ready-made pieces asking for alternative…3 votes -
Folksy to run an ad, print, tv campaign
Hi there,
Although not a direct feature for folksy users, it would improve folksy life! I've seen etsy advertised online, over the radio, on tv, in magazines, blogs etc. I would love to see Folksy make a commitment to advertising themselves, in turn helping sellers to reach more audiences.13 votes -
Easier way to re-arrange items in shop
I would love if there was an easier way to rearrange photos/items in your shop.
The current method is very laborious and time-consuming. (especially with over 200 listings!) Having to individually move these items up a list in the shopkeeping settings is just not working.
I would love a user-friendly way of organising photos/items within collections. I envision being able to view images of items in the 'collections' in a grid format and then being able to swap and change which position the items will be shown in your shop.
9 votes -
Shipping Date
Could Folksy possibly include the date when we marked the item as shipped on past orders? Something like 'Shipped 3.8.15' would be sufficient. This would help with items that appear to be lost in the post.
Thank you.12 votes -
2 votes
Ability to edit confirmation email
Please can we have a feature to edit confirmation emails, for example so we can add links to a tailored survey
1 vote -
Can we have different sections for art prints and original artwork
In the art section of categories there is no distinction between prints and originals.
The distinction is very important to some people who by art.
Original art is sought out by some buyers. These kind of buyers may be put off buying from art Folksy if they are not able to filter the art prints out.
Buyers may also want to only see prints and can't filter out originals.
Separating the two is commonplace on sites where art is sold, would be nice for Folksy to follow suit to support the art sellers in the community. If enough people agree.
19 votes -
Making landscape and portrait format images equal
Having created my greetings card listings, I discover that portrait and landscape images are getting unequal treatment: both are being reduced to the same width, meaning that landscape format images are much smaller, making detail less visible than that on portrait format images. It would be nice to have them displayed at the same resolution as the portrait format images or, perhaps, to allow visitors to click on the images and have them displayed at the full resolution at which they were uploaded.
1 vote -
CUSTOMER MADE PURCHASE alert badge near shop banner
When beavering away in my shop all day I don't pay much attention to emails so it would be great to have an alert badge appear near the shopping basket or shop banner when a customer makes a purchase. Then I can attend to their order asap!
2 votes -
Set my own processing times for made-to-order items
21 days is not enough time for me to process some made-to-order items so I use other sites to offer these "high end" products to my customers. I'd like to set my own timescales on Folksy please.
28 votes -
Image sizes
When listing a new item why does it say "The maximum image size is 4MB"?!! After a frustrating day downsizing my pictures and Folksy rejecting my pages I learnt that image sizes had to be much less than that. This has been very time wasting and to be honest I was ready to give up and abandon my account had it not been for the fact that I had paid the £45 fee.
1 vote -
Newbie day
I think it would be really nice if Folksy were to have one day a year (or even one a month) where only items from sellers with say under 5-10 sales or even just those with with 0 sales, are shown on the website. It could be publicised as a special day and would give all the other hardworking crafters the opportunity to get some visibility on the site and make a potential sale. They usually lose out to all the additional visibility given to the Best Sellers... :o(
9 votes -
Shop collection photos in square format
Whilst we all strive to achieve better photos why is it that throughout Folksy "square" format photos work best whilst those associated with our shop collections are in a rectangular format and therefore often have detail cropped from them. Please could these be changed to square format so that the shop front doesn't look careless and sloppy!
105 votes -
Thumbnails link to actual items?
I've found it frustrating when shopping that I'll see something interesting on the front page, or as a thumbnail for a category, and then when I click on it it takes me to a page of related listings but not the one in the image (unless I scroll through a couple of pages - sometimes it's not there at all!)
Is there a way to make sure that if an item is used as a thumbnail/tease image that it actually appears in the page that that click leads you to?
5 votes
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