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Suggested Features

Please add any suggestions for site features here. There’s no guarantee we will be able to implement your idea, but we welcome your thoughts!

238 results found

  1. Flagging when shop owners are listing something that could be potentially not allowed on Folksy

    There has been a bit of a debate on the Folksy forum about some of the new shops selling items that we believe aren't allowed on Folksy. They could be items that aren't really handmade or could have been made outside the UK, they could be items that are being resold, they could be items infringing copyright etc etc.

    I'm suggesting that Folksy write something in to the computer program both to let sellers know when they are listing something that might be deemed in appropriate to sell and to trawl through all the existing listings too.

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  2. Offer buyers a choice of 1st or 2nd class postage

    With Royal Mail putting up the price of stamps again (grr!) it would be good to be able to offer a choice of cheaper or faster postage depending on the buyer's needs.

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    This is a nice idea. The full range of postage options (1st class, 2nd class, signed-for, recorded delivery, personal collection, etc) might be a little tricky to design for though, not to mention more complicated for buyers.

    We’ll have a think though and will consider what might work best.

    Many thanks,

    Folksy development team

  3. 'Copy Listing' directly from listing page

    It would save loads of time if we could 'copy' an image the same way we can 'edit' an image directly from the items page within our shops. It's a faff to find the listing in the dashboard lists and select copy from there - takes ages!

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  4. Is it fair for pro sellers to constantly list their items so they are in top 40?

    Is it fair for pro sellers to constantly list their existing items in their shop so they get seen when people come to folksy. I have noticed a lot of jewellery its same sellers who are constantly on front pages when i log into jewellery (as i sell jewellery) so they must constantly relist.

    This is not fair in my opinion as they then appear in the top 40 each day and general public look at best sellers and go to those shops so they get an unfair advantage over others who are not constantly on computer putting in their…

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  5. Hyperlinks

    Please could we have the ability to post hyperlinks to other listings in our descriptive text. For example - blue cushion cover . I have a matching red one which makes up a pair (hyperlink to that listing ). I think this would be a really useful additional tool to help promote our items.

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  6. Enable buyers to instantly download digital purchases. I.e. for PDF sewing & knitting patterns

    I sell e-patterns and would like to be able to upload them to each listing so a buyer can instantly download it once purchased to save me having to email it for every sale.
    A category for PDF downloads would be great, its vastly becomming the preferred option for buyers of sewing patterns and other websites are offering this. It could cover a wide range of tutorials such as crafts, arts and digital supplies.

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  7. Shop collection photos in square format

    Whilst we all strive to achieve better photos why is it that throughout Folksy "square" format photos work best whilst those associated with our shop collections are in a rectangular format and therefore often have detail cropped from them. Please could these be changed to square format so that the shop front doesn't look careless and sloppy!

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  8. Collections Images

    With the all new shop face (LOVE LOVE LOVE it by the way!!) please can we have the ability to upload collection images.

    I've set my shop (currently) with 18 collections and all of my items are in at least 2 of them. I've just tried to make it so each category has a different style and colour of glass work so it show a wide selection of the pieces I make so it looks inviting. When listing a new item it puts it in at the top of the list and once I've gone into my shopkeeping page and…

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  9. The ability to list one item in more than one category

    I sell jewellery and many of my items could be listed equally into the 'regular' jewellery category or the wedding jewellery category. It would be fantastic if we could have the option to list an item in two categories at the same time, without having to list one item twice - which is what I am having to do, so I don't miss any prospective customers. I am concerned that it appears I have two exactly the same items available, when I only have one, but in two categories. Would this change be possible?

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  10. Bulk update prices

    If you wish to update all the prices in your shop it takes an age to go into each one individually. It would be wonderful if we could do a bulk update of prices in a way similar to the shipping prices. I'm putting off doing this as it's such a pain!

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  11. Gift vouchers

    I would love to be able to give and receive Folksy gift vouchers. I hope that is something that you can consider in the future.

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  12. Shopkeeping ....

    Please can any items that have NOT been catagorised please appear at the top of the page and not at the bottom when listing a new item or anywhere when listing a copied listing!
    When you have a large shop it is extremely time consuming to sort through it.

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  13. Stock Level in Variations

    Can we please have the ability to include stock levels in variations. We can include variations in price, but not the number of items available in each variation. Consequently if a particular item is sold out, it doesn’t reflect that in the listing.

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  14. Replace top sellers with last sold items

    The top sellers are always the same as slanted towards value rather than actual number of This is unfair for those of us selling cheaper items as never stand a chance. Plus customers may think other shops are not worth looking at.

    To be fairer to all could top sellers be scrapped after all it is always the same shops and latest items sold put in instead. Updates when an item is sold. This would then be changing all the time and be far more interesting.

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  15. "Search this shop" feature - please!!

    I have lots of items in my shop, even I have trouble finding a particular item!

    My customers are now emailing me and asking "do you have any Alice in Wonderland things left" etc. Then I have to trawl through my shop and send them the links as they cannot be bothered to scroll through my whole shop looking for them.

    I know that this loses me sales - and Folksy money. It's madness, and a very basic requirement.

    PLEASE look into this as a matter of importance - Etsy is looking more attractive by the second!

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  16. Report seller button for reporting rogue shops

    with the increase in scam shops would be good to have a 'report seller' or 'report shop' button in addition to the current 'report item' button so we can more quickly highlight where a whole shop is bogus.

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  17. HIde or Delete item from item page rather than dashboard listings

    Please can we have an option to hide or delete an item from the item page rather than having to go to the dashboard listings. If a shop has several pages of items it can be hard to find the item you want to hide or delete from the dashboard.

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  18. Please could we have a natural remedies section added to bath and beauty?

    I have been adding my natural remedies to the fragrance section as there is nowhere else to put them. It would be so much easier for potential customers to find my and other natural remedie makers items if we had a separate section for them.

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  19. Can dates be added to Holiday mode

    Please can you make it possible for Shop owners to put up the dates of when their shop will be closed and then re open ?
    Preferably underneath the shop banner in large and bold lettering for customers.

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  20. Can we have the option of 'free postage' if collected in person.

    Lots of my friends want to buy my items but don't want to pay postage as they can collect. Can there be an option for free postage if the buyer can collect. That way I can sell all my items through Folksy.

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