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Suggested Features

Please add any suggestions for site features here. There’s no guarantee we will be able to implement your idea, but we welcome your thoughts!

238 results found

  1. Ability to see price in "listed items" (Seller Dash > Manange Listings) list

    I would love it if the "listed items" list showed prices and possibly postage too. I often want to refer to the price of an item for another listing or for a customer enquiry elsewhere and it is a pain to have to go right into the product listing to get its price/postage.

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  2. 1 vote

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  3. Custom Listing

    Can we have a way of creating a custom listing for an item that has not been made yet, eg pet portrait. Maybe rather than a buy it button, a "start an order" button or "reserve an option"/"deposit" button. I don't like having to charge for a completed item without having discussed with the customer all the details and ensured I am able to complete the item they are requesting.

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  4. Shop Stats

    Is it possible to make the shop or item views clearer, something along the lines of Etsy?? With the current Folksy system I find it difficult to tell how many views I've had per item per day. I have set up Google analytics but do not find that particularly helpful, not very user friendly nor intuitive. Cheers.

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  5. Page views

    Would it be possible to show how many times an item has been viewed in total? It would be handy to have the info when you view your listings, maybe along side the amount of likes you have had.

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  6. Download your shop orders to help with accounts

    I'd like to be able to download a csv file of my sales so that I can add them into my accounts package or spreadsheets in one go, rather than having to do it all manually.

    Thank you please

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  7. Encouraging the value of crafted items

    We are damaging our planet by over emphasis on constantly having new things, this is encouraged by large multinational encouraging the latest season and the quality declines. With hand crafted items we should value the time and effort that goes in to them and so should discourage the constant obsession with new designs. If Folky was to adopt this attitude may be everyone would stop re-listing their items to make them look new.

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  8. Store history

    Please could we have information added to our shop fronts which tells customers how long we have been with Folksy - surely it would be reassurance for some.

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  9. Show that you've reduced a price

    It would be good if you could show a price reduction when you have a sale i.e. was £15 now £10 with the £15 crossed through so the buyers can see that you have actually reduced it as opposed to just saying that you have.

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  10. Enable buyers to instantly download digital purchases. I.e. for PDF sewing & knitting patterns

    I sell e-patterns and would like to be able to upload them to each listing so a buyer can instantly download it once purchased to save me having to email it for every sale.
    A category for PDF downloads would be great, its vastly becomming the preferred option for buyers of sewing patterns and other websites are offering this. It could cover a wide range of tutorials such as crafts, arts and digital supplies.

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  11. 42 votes

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  12. Improvements that need making to reduce acidental purchase's and make it clearer shipping charges on muliple shop orders

    Shipping doesn't appear until you are ready to confirm order and there is no cancel button at that point, which might help customers who make a mistake, and is there away of showing shipping when
    you add something to a basket as if you buy form multiple shops it could come as a shock?
    A remove items or empty basket button might also help.
    if someone wants to cancel for whatever reason and they are told to contact the seller, yet sellers can't cancel for 24 hrs and at the weekend there is no Folksy support. It also means items…

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  13. Hyperlinks

    Please could we have the ability to post hyperlinks to other listings in our descriptive text. For example - blue cushion cover . I have a matching red one which makes up a pair (hyperlink to that listing ). I think this would be a really useful additional tool to help promote our items.

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  14. Notification against Feedback option

    Would it be possible to have a notification against the feedback option under the Activity section on the dashboard showing when someone left a feedback comment or alternatively sending an email as some other website do.Thanks x

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  15. Drop down menus should not need an extra click. They should automatically display all items.

    Depending on what category you want sometimes you have to open View All. So unfair advantage of some shops over others. For example, if you want a beaded bracelet then the category is on view when you select the jewellery item. If it's glass you need then you have to View All. If you are a new shopper to Folksy then it's possible you would not know to do this. Also research shows the less clicks a potential buyer has to make the more likely they are to buy.

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  16. Shopkeeping ....

    Please can any items that have NOT been catagorised please appear at the top of the page and not at the bottom when listing a new item or anywhere when listing a copied listing!
    When you have a large shop it is extremely time consuming to sort through it.

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  17. "Mark as Posted" in bulk

    Hi! Am having to mark almost 40 items as posted, and it's really frustrating having to mark one as posted, then go back, then refresh the page, each time. Even when someone has bought 2 items and got combined postage, there's no option to mark both as posted. It seems unnecessarily time-consuming? I'm new here, though, so maybe I've missed that ability?

    Thanks so much.

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  18. I would like the customer to be able to see how many time an item has been re listed.

    When customers look at things in Folksy shops they have no indication how long ago the item was made. People want to have the newest and freshest ideas and not 'old' stock, that may be looking a bit tired.
    This can only improve the reputation of Folksy for having wonderful new inventive ideas, keep Folksy shopkeepers refreshing their stocks regularly and have contented customers who are not disappointed with what they receive through the post, which is bought, don't forget after only seeing a photo.

    I think it's better to get something that is better than you expected than less…

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  19. would be great if I could create my own wish list that family and friends could access.

    To be able to save favourite items into a wish list that others can view and buy from would be great.

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  20. Please can you fix it to have "Pearl" as a category in Jewellery/bracelets? Thanks!

    I can post pearl items in "Earrings" and "Pendants & Necklaces", but not in "Bracelets" which is a bit odd (and rather frustrating as I make pearl bracelets)

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