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Please add any suggestions for site features here. There’s no guarantee we will be able to implement your idea, but we welcome your thoughts!

238 results found

  1. Is it possible to have a toys main section

    Is it possible to have a main heading for toys as it's currently under homewares, for example I have put my car and pencil wraps under nursery and playroom but would they ever be found there?

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  2. 28 votes

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  3. Please could we have a natural remedies section added to bath and beauty?

    I have been adding my natural remedies to the fragrance section as there is nowhere else to put them. It would be so much easier for potential customers to find my and other natural remedie makers items if we had a separate section for them.

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  4. 6 votes

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  5. photo adjustment and catagory creation for own shop and shipping policy

    Hi, I am very new to Folksy , and hoping Folksy will do great in future, and very impressed by the website setting, but i do have few problems would love to communicate with the Admin, 1 , most of my photo of from my list is up side down for some reason , i could not change the direction.
    2. I sell different jewelry supplies also other item , it will be great if we can create our own category, so it will not look so confusion , for example , i sell different charms and different charm belong…

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  6. Make items appear in PayPal

    Currently Folksy items are not named in PayPal reports. There is usually a blank space. Ebay manages to tell paypal exactly what has been purchased/sold. Please make this work for Folksy too. Currently only way to see what item is is to click on it within PayPal. Time consuming when doing accounts

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  7. Select a Gift List to browse

    At the moment the homepage includes links to a gift list or two- which look randomly selected? I would like to be able to chose a list to look at- why not have a drop down menu at the top, like there is for jewellery, art etc?

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  8. When listing an item sellers are required to put in a date when it was made.

    I click the blank space at the top of the month column and put in the year. When the item is added to my shop the month shown is January.

    Any one else frustrated by this?

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  9. Improve listing thumbnails

    It's annoying that item thumbnails that appear on the listings page do not appear in their entirety when their aspect ratio does not match that of the thumbnail frame. Surely it's not that difficult to autosize the picture so that the entire image fits within the thumbnail frame, adding a border either at the top or side where necessary

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  10. Search function in my listings

    It would be great to be able to search my own listings, since it can be quite hare to find an item that I need to remove if it has been sold elsewhere or to copy it for a new similar listing.
    This could also be solved by giving us a 'copy' and a 'hide' button on the item page next to the 'edit' button.
    Would make my life that bit easier :o)

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  11. Ability to de-activate item straight from Item listing

    I list some of my items on more than one site - if I sell on another site I have to spend quite a long time scrolling through my 190 or so listings to find the item I want to de-activate. I'd love to be able to make changes straight from the item listing by way of a Deactivate button or even through the current Edit button by reducing stock to zero. Thanks!

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  12. 8 votes

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  13. Unavailable on holiday is not the same as out of stock

    When I was on holiday I received this message
    "We have been looking for some time and saw your kingfisher suncatcher but disappointed to see it is unavailble. Will you be making anymore as we would like 2 please"

    I wrote back to say that it was unavailable as i was on holiday not because i hadn't got one.

    It struck me that a lot of customers would simply walk away and not bother if they saw that message. Fortunately i responded and in a couple of weeks will be selling 2 on here.

    The problem arises because when in…

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  14. hallmark laws

    I just wanted to clear up the confustion about the precous metals hall marketing laws, I am a member of the Goldsmith London Assay Office and this is what they have said, you only have to hallmark your items if the sterling silver finished piece weights 7.7g or more, if the weight is below this you can legally sell your work even with the 925 stamped on a finding that has been pre-stamped.

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  15. Gift vouchers

    I would love to be able to give and receive Folksy gift vouchers. I hope that is something that you can consider in the future.

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  16. Change the pin icon and categories shown in our shops

    The pin in our shops under the 'designed by' takes people out of our shops after we have worked hard to get them there.

    It would make more sense if the links took them to other items in the same category IN our shops rather than similar items in other peoples shops.

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  17. 5 votes

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  18. Please can we have a section for GLASS ?

    There are many hobby fusers in the UK looking to sell their work and looking for nice supplies. I have just started listing a few supplies which aren't in shops and my only available section is under 'commercial' . Most of my glass embellishments are hand made. If we fusers could have a place to find glassy items for sale, I think it might be a big help. Thank you, Dee x

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  19. Nightwear category

    At the moment there is no specific category for nightwear. Nightwear currently appears under, category: Lingerie, sub-category: Everything Else or Category: Clothing and Shoes, sub-category: pyjamas. Because there is not much nightwear on the site, I think it would be better to have one catch all sub-category of nightwear either in the Lingerie or Clothing and Shoes category.

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  20. Pet Categories

    Please could we have a separate category for pets. At the moment it is combined with the garden, as "garden & pets". As i like to make all different types of pet clothes (such as scarfs etc etc) it would be much more helpful for me & customers. At the moment the only option is to put most items in the "all other stuff" subdivision...... which is not much fun or descriptive. Thank you for looking at this.

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