Suggested Features
Please add any suggestions for site features here. There’s no guarantee we will be able to implement your idea, but we welcome your thoughts!
238 results found
Collections Menu at the side on product pages
It would be really great if there could be a side menu of our collections when customers click on individual product pages. It would make navigation much easier for them, as they could go back into the collection they were in to look at more products, or switch categories. It saves them time when ordering multiple items, and makes our stores much more user friendly.
3 votes -
A category for leathercrafts
A category for Leather, leather crafts, tools etc.
As this is becoming a very popular craft, but there is no real provision within the categories.
8 votes -
Membership only by Approval
I have written to the Folksy operators to suggest that membership of Folksy should be "juried" or, perhaps a more appropriate term, "following approval". Folksy has a clear and serious problem dealing with the removal of unsuitable shops, products and applicants from the listings. This is primarily due to the easy, more-or-less-instant application process that is currently used.
Applications should include not only the person's UK address details but also a general description of the goods to be sold, along with actual images of a few products. It does mean that Folksy staff would have to manually check and approve…
11 votes -
Please please can we have the Shopkeeping page on separate pages (like the listings page). I have over 900 items and my ipad crashes when I try to load the page to move my newest listings to the top. Alternatively why on earth aren't the newest items automatically shown first anyway!!
10 votes -
Larger area for description & bulk upload photos
When listing a product can the description area be bigger so I can see all I am writing and can I upload all my 5 photos at once instead of one at a time.
I have just joined and can add products twice as fast on my own website and three times on Esy and Eby. I love the idea of a British craft site but am dissapointed by the backend set up.
I dont really expect to get some interest in my Folksy site untill I have at least 50 products listed but at this rate it…
7 votes -
May I suggest that when listing a newly crafted Item,that the Photo upload part be after the Title ,as it helps to describe if your photo is
Place photo upload part of listing, up near the top of the page,as when describing an item it helps to see the photo as well as the real thing.
6 votes -
sold items - multiple items not showing.
Would it be possible to show multiples of items sold please - at the moment if lots of people buy the same item, only the latest sale shows. Therefore it looks like you only ever sell one of each type of item.
10 votes -
streamline the relisting
Stream-line the relisting process
Currently, to relist your items you have to resort the items by the date, then click on all of the items, then relist, then wait for the next page to load - to then click confirm relist and then finally, it is relisted. Then you have to do the same thing over and over.
Please can we stream line the process so we dont have to click, I would love if the confirm page could be removed or if there was a "Relist all" option so we dont have to go page by page to relist.
5 votes -
Make it more obvious that sellers should fill in their Profile (Meet the maker info)
Many new shops don't have the 'meet the maker' info filled in. I looked for mine just now and it took me ages to find it - it's in My Profile way down on my dashboard menu. And it is not at all obvious that the info you enter here is displayed to vistors when they click your name at the top of your shop.
Suggest that this is moved into the 'Shop Settings' page, and an explanation of how it is used to be added. Prompt people to say how long they have been crafting for, what techniques they…
22 votes -
Misleading "Search" button
Last year a shop which wanted to sell my items decided not to do so because they couldn't find my shop on Folksy. They presumably thought that my business card could not be trusted and therefore neither could I!
It appears that this is because the search box does not make it clear that you can change it from searching for items to searching for shops.
I doubt if I am alone in this experience and of all the websites I use Folksy has the least user-friendly search box.
My experience of human nature is that very few people persevere…
10 votes -
Please can we have a change of policy?
Instead of sellers having to get hot under the collar when a new shop infringes Folksy's terms and conditions of what can be sold, wouldn't it be easier if new shops were vetted by Folksy before they were published. It would save a lot of trouble, use of the report button (does it work?) and mildly annoyed emails when we spot these things. This would also give a new seller the chance to set up their shop properly before it goes public. At present they have to publish before they can see whether it looks right and has all the…
8 votes -
Easier editing of prices
Can we please have the price of each item on the 'manage listings' display - so we can alter the price as well as the stock level easily. At the moment we have to edit each item which is much more time consuming - as well as it increasing our views ! (why do views have to go up when we view our own items ???)
It would be EXTREMELY helpful to be able to edit the price of an item as quickly and easily as we can edit the stock level- please add it to the manage lisntings editable…9 votes -
Allow shop owners to put active links in product descriptions
Allowing shop owners to place active links in their product descriptions increases the shop/product visibility within search engines.
It makes a better experience for customers - being able to find what they want without switching between tabs or hitting the back icon on their browser.The only problem would be policing as you could link to external items rather than just |folksy addresses.
Something to think on.
8 votes -
Targeted discount codes - BOGOF and multi purchase options?
Can we have the option for targeted discounts rather than discounts applying to the whole of a store.
The ability to tag individual listings would be an easy fix and would be quicker and more professional than editing listings with separate write downs etc.Folksy should also implement codes for BOGOF and multi purchase discounts.
5 votes -
ability to add notes about an order
I'd like to be able to add notes about an order that are just for me as the seller to see. e.g. when I make a wedding invitation order, I'd like to be able to add what type of card I used, the code number for the ribbon I used etc so that when the customer comes back a few months later to order their 'on the day' stationery like menus and place cards, I can look up to see what card & ribbon etc I used. We have this feature on etsy and I use it ALL the time.…
2 votes -
start an affiliate program
start an affiliate program in order to encourage others to help market this site and the craft producers on it.
25 votes -
New Category / Sub Section: DIY Kits
Hi there,
I would love if we could have a DIY Kits section. All of us that sell on Folksy are crafters and interested in craft so it makes sense to have a craft making section! I would love to buy DIY kits however I find it difficult to search for them as they get mixed up with ready made items.This subsection would also help when listing as it differentiates your kit from being a piece of jewellery etc.
7 votes -
Autocorrect feature in the search bar
Hello Folksy
I was having trouble looking for an item because I kept misspelling it, so my search was coming up with 0 results every time.I ended up googling the word in the end but most search bars correct you or make a suggestion such as ''Did you mean...'' I was wondering if we could have this as a feature in our search bar?
22 votes -
Flagging when shop owners are listing something that could be potentially not allowed on Folksy
There has been a bit of a debate on the Folksy forum about some of the new shops selling items that we believe aren't allowed on Folksy. They could be items that aren't really handmade or could have been made outside the UK, they could be items that are being resold, they could be items infringing copyright etc etc.
I'm suggesting that Folksy write something in to the computer program both to let sellers know when they are listing something that might be deemed in appropriate to sell and to trawl through all the existing listings too.
168 votes -
Different delivery options for individual listings
It would be really useful if for each listing customers could choose between different postage options. For example, guaranteed, first class or second class. Not everyone needs their orders immediately, so customers can save money on delivery costs.
14 votes
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