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Suggested Features

Please add any suggestions for site features here. There’s no guarantee we will be able to implement your idea, but we welcome your thoughts!

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  1. gemstone option for bracelets

    There is currently no 'gemstone' category when listing bracelets however there is for other jewellery items. Suggest this is added.

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  2. Buyer's address copy mode

    Add the buyer's address copy function

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  3. Show how many items have been shown

    Is it possible to show how many items have been shown the the front page

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  4. add additional material to the folksy listing

    i noticed earlier today when i was playing about with listings that there are a few material missing including feathers would it be possible to update the lists

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  5. 1 vote

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  6. a search option to search only shops shipping to the USA

    To have a search option to search only shops shipping to the USA. This would make searching soooo much easier for US shoppers that love Folksy!! thank you.

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  7. NOT to relisting items about to expire that 0 in stock

    Please do not drop items that have ZERO in stock automatically into relisting section with the other ones, as you have to go them all individually and untick them all. They have to stay in "Out of Stock" section until we re-list them manually or in bulk.

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  8. Gallery or Archive page

    I would like to be able to post pics of items I have made previously, in the hope that a potential customer might browse the items and order something similar, thereby generating some bespoke trade.

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  9. New categories

    I have a lot of ID holders and lanyards listed, and lots more to add. Is it possible to add a "Lanyards & ID holders" category, as I think they're getting lost in Everything Else. Likewise, I have a lot of Sleep Masks, but there's nowhere to put them apart from Everything Else. Can you make some kind of Sleepwear category please. Thanks

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  10. website

    I really am not liking your website. It isn't easy to negotiate and has not updated any of my purchases. I've made lots of purchases and it only shows two.

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  11. Preview listing fees to be charged when creating a listing

    When previewing an item that you're about to list, it would be a lot more transparent for Folksy to tell you how much they will charge on your bill for listing the item. This is especially pertinent for new customers who read 'First 3 listings are FREE' but add for example 4 items to their first new listing and incur a charge as Folksy's interpretation of First 3 listings are FREE really means first 3 items across listings are FREE.

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  12. Shop signing in.

    I'm finding it a little annoying to have to keep signing into my shop. 4 times today I had to sign in, sometimes it doesn't sign me out for a couple of days sometimes it lets me stay signed in for longer. I would like to be signed into my shop for as long as I like, until I decide that I want to sign out. Is there a way to do this?

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  13. Variations improvement

    Can I make some suggestions regarding variations please.

    Include the setup of variations within the New Item process

    Allow more than 5 photos per item, I have resin items that are made in many colours and would need to create almost identical items in the listing to be able to show the customer all the colours

    Link the variation to the photo, i.e. customer choose a red item then show this as the highlighted item, if they then choose a blue one switch the highlighted item to the blue one.

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  14. Hallmarking Notice

    Could we have somewhere on our shop fronts to display dealers notice's from assay offices? Some of the pieces I have will be above the hallmarking exemption and it would be better than having to include as a photo on listings

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  15. A specific category for woodcraft and particularly woodturning would be a huge improvement

    The search system will not find my woodturning as there is no specific woodcraft category and I'm sure that this is the reason behind the low viewing numbers. If customers are looking for wooden bowls for example they are really difficult to find. There seems little point in re-listing my items as without a specific category nobody can find them

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  16. It would be really useful if 'Listings' was one of the options on the drop-down menu

    It would be really useful if, after editing an item you could simply go to the menu and choose 'listings' rather than having to click on dashboard and then listings.

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  17. New subcategory for spoons, please?

    Hi, I've just opened a shop selling hand stamped vintage spoons and there currently isn't really an appropriate subcategory for them, could they maybe have one under 'kitchen and dining' that is something like 'cutlery and flatware' or 'tablewares'?

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  18. New subcategory for spoons, please?

    Hi, I'm new here and would welcome an appropriate subcategory for my hand stamped spoons, maybe 'tablewares' under 'kitchen and dining'?

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